With the annual IRS tax filing deadline approaching, majorities of Americans continue to be bothered by the feeling that some corporations and wealthy people do not pay their fair share in taxes. Majorities also say they would like taxes on these groups to be raised.
About six-in-ten adults now say that the feeling that some corporations don’t pay their fair share (61%) bothers them a lot, while a nearly identical share say this about some wealthy people not paying their fair share (60%), according to a Pew Research Center survey of 5,079 U.S. adults conducted from March 27 to April 2, 2023. These percentages are essentially unchanged since 2021.
About half of Americans (53%) now say the complexity of the federal tax system bothers them a lot, up from 47% who said this in 2021. About a third (32%) say the tax system’s complexity bothers them some, while 13% say it bothers them not much or not at all. Roughly four-in-ten adults (38%) are bothered a lot by the amount they personally pay in taxes today, a modest increase from two years ago, when 33% said this. A third today say the amount they pay bothers them some, while 29% say it doesn’t bother them much or at all.
Only about one-in-ten Americans are bothered a lot (13%) by a sense that lower-income people don’t pay their fair share to the federal treasury. An additional 21% are somewhat bothered by this, while most Americans say this bothers them not too much (28%) or not at all (36%).
The Mexico tax rate for Latino U.S. citizens living in Mexico is 30%.