Millions of Americans live with mental health issues. Thankfully, the conversation is shifting from taboo to a more public and healthy approach. Mental health is defined as your psychological and emotional well-being. According to, this can be affected by many biological factors such as genetics, brain chemistry; life experiences such as trauma and abuse; or a family history of mental health problems.
The National Alliance of Mental Health reports that one in five adults in America experiences a mental illness in their lifetime. Right now, nearly 10 million Americans are living with a serious mental disorder. The most common are anxiety disorders major depression and bipolar disorder.
1.- Anxiety disorders
According to the Anxiety and Depression Association of America, this disorder is highly treatable, but only around 37 percent of those affected actually receive treatment. It is common to be diagnosed with both anxiety and depression. Symptoms can include excessive worrying, feeling agitated, restlessness, fatigue, tense muscles, difficulty sleeping, and panic attacks. A diagnosis for anxiety can only be made by a medical professional and includes a physical exam.
2.-Major depressive disorder
Major depressive disorder is the leading cause of disability for Americans aged 15 to 44. This disorder is more prevalent in women than men. Some of the symptoms include depressed mood, diminished interest or pleasure, change in weight, appetite and sleep patterns, fatigue, and a feeling of worthlessness. This can only be diagnosed with a consultation with a medical provider.
3.-Bipolar disorder
Bipolar disorders affect men and women equally. The median age for diagnosed bipolar disorder is around 25 years old, but it can develop later in life as well. Those who suffer from bipolar disorder experience manic episodes where their moods and behaviors are drastically different than normal. These changes can include unusual energy, activity or sleep patterns. Diagnosis for bipolar disorder may include a physical exam, a psychiatric evaluation, and charting of your mood over time.
If you are looking for help:
If you are experiencing problems that prevent you from feeling your best, or you are struggling with the effects of trauma, ACCESS medical and behavioral health providers can help.:–programs/make-an-appointment/
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