4-in-10 recent Latino immigrant adults have never been married

Written by Parriva — September 29, 2023
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immigrant adults

Recent Guatemalan, Honduran and Salvadoran immigrant adults are the most likely never to have been married. This is the case for about half or more of recent immigrants from these countries. Notably, these are also the groups with the lowest median ages.

Among recent Mexican immigrants – the largest group in 2021 – a majority (54%) are married, while 38% have never been married.

The median age for recent Hispanic immigrants to the U.S. is 27.9 years, though the median varies widely among origin groups. Cubans and Venezuelans have the highest median ages at 36.3 and 36.0 years. The next oldest group is Peruvians at 35.3 years.

Hondurans and Guatemalans are the youngest groups among recent Hispanic immigrants to the U.S., with median ages of 22.4 and 21.9 years, respectively.

Hispanic women born outside of the United States marry for the first time at a higher rate than U.S.-born Hispanic women.

A new report from the National Center for Family & Marriage  Research at Bowling Green State University found that there were 57.0 first marriages per 1000 never married foreign-born Hispanic women in 2018.

This exceeds the first marriage rate of U.S.-born Hispanic women (39.0), as well as that of white women (52.3) and black women (21.3).

This finding is consistent with a 2014 research brief from the National Research Center on Hispanic Children & Families which found that more foreign-born Hispanic women (36 percent) reported being currently married than U.S.-born Hispanic women (26 percent).

“Seeing the commitment of immigrants who volunteer at CHIRLA move me.”

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