Petition to

Initiative would reduce single-use packaging

Economic in California, California, USA

Sen. Ben Allen (D-Santa Monica) and Assemblywoman Lorena Gonzalez (D-San Diego) introduced legislation to phase out the sale and distribution of single-use plastics by 2030. Senate Bill 54/AB XX establishes a comprehensive framework to address the pollution and waste crisis by dramatically reducing the amount of single-use waste generated in the state and requiring remaining packaging and products to be truly recyclable or compostable. Specifically, single-use plastic packaging and products sold or distributed in California must be reduced or recycled by 75 percent by 2030. The bill also creates incentives and policies to encourage manufacturing in the state using recycled material generated in California. California. SB 54 is co-authored by Senator Nancy Skinner (D-Berkeley) and Scott Wiener (D-San Francisco).

"We cannot continue to ignore the threat to public health and pollution posed by the rise of plastic waste," said Senator Ben Allen. “Every day, Californians generate tons of non-recyclable and non-compostable waste that clogs landfills, rivers and beaches. Waste often breaks down into toxic chemicals, some of which cause cancer, that find their way into our food and water systems. The future of California's quality of life is at stake. Instead of continuing to tinker with one-off bans on individual plastic items, we need a well-thought-out, comprehensive solution to tackle this serious problem head-on.”

“We have to stop treating our oceans and the planet like a garbage dump,” Assemblywoman González said. “Any fifth grader can tell you that our addiction to single-use plastics is killing our ecosystems. We have technology and innovation to improve the way we reduce and recycle plastic packaging and products in our state. Now, we have to find the political will to do it.”

Letter to



SB 54, as amended, Allen. Plastic Pollution Producer Responsibility Act. Solid waste: reporting, packaging, and food service ware.
(1) The California Integrated Waste Management Act of 1989, administered by the Department of Resources Recycling and Recovery, generally regulates the disposal, management, and recycling of solid waste. The act requires disposal facility operators to submit information to the department on the disposal tonnages that are disposed of at the disposal facility, and requires solid waste handlers and transfer station operators to provide information to disposal facility operators for purposes of that requirement. The act requires recycling and composting operations and facilities to submit periodic information to the department on the types and quantities of materials that are disposed of, sold, or transferred to other recycling or composting facilities or specified entities.
This bill would provide that these reporting requirements do not apply to materials that are used by facilities defined as end users pursuant to the regulations adopted by the department or that are otherwise exempt pursuant to those regulations. The bill would also clarify that recycling is not limited to the processing of materials that would otherwise become solid waste, but also includes processes applied to nonhazardous materials that have value principally as a feedstock for that processing, regardless of whether the materials have been discarded or constitute solid waste. The bill would further clarify that, regardless of whether a recycling operation or facility is required to register and report pursuant to specified regulations adopted by the department, that recycling operation or facility is not a solid waste handler unless the operation or facility is, in fact, handling solid waste.


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Reynaldo Mena
Reynaldo Mena
Started this petition 3 years ago
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