Buying Hispanics: How Every Issue Shapes How Hispanic Voters chose

Written by Reynaldo Mena — September 21, 2022
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Over the years, the subject matter that is closest to the Hispanic community depends more on problems that have to do with their daily lives than with typical issues such as migration or the role of the undocumented.

A recent poll by the NY Times clearly shows this transformation that opponents of the Democrats have taken advantage of to attract the vote of this community.

Let’s take a look:

Views among Hispanic voters on issues and policies

-Cancelling up to $20 of student debt: Support-64%/Oppose- 27%

-Has Trump committed serious crimes?: Support-63/Oppose-21

-Abortion should be…: Always or mostly legal-61/Oppose-30


Which party do you agree with more on each of the following?

-Climate and energy: Democratic 59/Republican 24

-Legal immigration: 59/29

-Gun Policy: 49/34

-Ilegal immigracion: 46/37

-The economy: 43/41

-Crime and policing: 43/37


Not gone far enough in opposing racism and sexism:

Democrats 37


Gone too far with a “woke” ideology on race-and-gender-related issues

Republicans 40


According wit The Times… “On the issues at the top of the chart, Democrats seem to be in a stronger position, including abortion, climate change and student debt. On the issues at the bottom, Hispanic adults support the progressive position less strongly than they support the Democratic Party, suggesting the party may be vulnerable.

Neither gun policy nor immigration, for example, are as strong of an issue for Democrats as many people might assume. “I know this country is a country of immigrants, but they should immigrate in a legal way,” Amelia Alonso Tarancon, 69, who lives outside Fort Lauderdale, Fla., told The Times.

The most nuanced issue may be the economy. On the one hand, Hispanic Americans say that the Democrats are the party of the working class and agree with many Democratic positions. And yet the issue is still a problem for the party.”

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