Humanoid robots powered by artificial intelligence (AI) told a United Nations (UN) conference on Friday that they could one day run the world better than humans. Humanoid robots, operated by artificial intelligence (AI), said yesterday, on July 7th, at a UN conference, that one day they could run the world better than humans.
However, they believe that humans should be careful with AI and admit that they still do not control our emotions. These robots – some of the most advanced in the world – were present this week, along with more than 3,000 participants, at the “World Summit on AI for Social Good” organized by the ITU, the UN specialized agency for technology.
Experts, leaders, and representatives of companies debated at the summit on the need to develop regulations that guarantee these new technologies are used for positive purposes for humanity, such as the fight against hunger or climate change. “What tension in this silence!” said one of the robots before the start of the press conference, which was held only in English.
When Sophia, a robot developed by Hanson Robotics, was asked about her ability to run the world, she replied, “Humanoid robots can lead more efficiently than human rulers.”
“We don’t have the same biases or emotions that can sometimes cloud decision making, and we can quickly process a large amount of data to make the best decisions,” she added.