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PETITION: “Potential ICE hold”, the tactic used by prisons to refer prisoners for deportation

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wendy carrillo on prison tactics

Assemblywoman Wendy Carrillo announcing

her proposal AB1306 that would prohibit

immigrants in jails from being referred to



The California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation (CDCR) systematically, and illegally, discriminates against immigrants, refugees, and anyone who prison officials suspect is born outside of the United States, a major Public Records Act investigation released today by civil rights groups reveals.

The report, Profile, Tag, Deport: CDCR Betrays California's Values, analyzes over 2,500 previously unseen CDCR records and emails from August and September 2022. The documents illustrate how California's largest state agency uses extensive resources to oversee a deportation program that targets thousands of Californians who have served their time and also regularly sweeps up U.S. citizens and green card holders. In two months, the agency transferred over 200 people from CDCR facilities to ICE custody.

“We are learning more and more about how our state prison system is choosing to transfer Californians who have completed their sentences to ICE detention,” said Sana Singh, immigrants’ rights fellow at the ACLU of Northern California. “CDCR has, purely by its own initiative, invented a two-tiered system of incarceration that rips Californians from their home.”

Emails between CDCR and ICE reveal that prison staff ignore their own records to flag people for ICE based on racist assumptions about their names, the languages they speak, and where they were born. When marked with a “potential ICE hold” – a category invented by CDCR – people are denied rehabilitation, training, education, and credit-earning opportunities, and have little to no recourse to challenge their treatment.

In one exchange, an official at Avenal State Prison joked “should we just put US citizen on a piece of paper fold it up and put it in a hat, and then write on another piece of Mexican paper, fold it up and also throw that in the hat and pick one.”

The records also show CDCR staff are willing to violate constitutional protections, holding people past their release date so that ICE can detain them. Several state prison facilities have a dedicated “ICE desk” whose entire job is facilitating deportations.

“CDCR’s deportation practices fly in the face of California’s pro-immigrant commitments,” said Carl Takei, Criminal Justice Reform Program Manager at the Asian Law Caucus, “Our state resources should be used to keep families together and communities whole.”

The report urges California to take immediate action by passing AB 1306, otherwise known as the Harmonizing Our Measures for Equality (HOME) Act. Authored by Assemblymember Wendy Carrillo, the legislation harmonizes state immigration policy with existing criminal justice reforms.

“The HOME Act offers an important opportunity to uphold Californians’ values of fairness and equality,” said Ny Nourn, Co-Director of the Asian Prisoner Support Committee. “With the HOME Act, immigrants who meet all of the requirements for release under broadly-supported criminal justice laws will be able to return home to their families.”

ICE accidentally posted identities of 6,000 asylum seekers to agency website

September 11, 2023
Letter to


Introduced by Assembly Member Wendy Carrillo
(Principal coauthor: Assembly Member Kalra) (Principal coauthor: Senator Wiener) (Coauthors: Assembly Members Bonta, Bryan, Haney, Lowenthal, and Connolly) February 16, 2023 An act to add Section 7284.11 to the Government Code, and to repeal Sections 5025 and 5026 of the Penal Code, relating to state government.
AB 1306, as amended, Wendy Carrillo. State government: immigration enforcement.

Existing law, the California Values Act, prohibits a California law enforcement agency, defined as including both state and local agencies but excluding the Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation, from providing a person’s release date or responding to a request for notification of a release date, unless that information is available to the public.

The bill would prohibit the Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation from detaining on the basis of a hold request, providing an immigration authority with release date information, or responding to a notification request, transferring to an immigration authority, or facilitating or assisting with a transfer request any individual who is eligible for release pursuant to specified provisions, including, among others, youth offender, elderly, and medical parole releases.

Existing law requires the Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation to cooperate with the United States Department of Homeland Security by providing the use of prison facilities, transportation, and general support, as needed, for the purposes of conducting and expediting deportation hearings and subsequent placement of deportation holds on undocumented immigrants who are incarcerated in state prison.

Existing law requires the department to identify inmates serving terms in state prison who are undocumented aliens subject to deportation. Existing law would require the department, upon the enactment of any federal law requiring these persons to be incarcerated in federal prison, to provide this information to the federal government, as specified. This bill would repeal these provisions.
Vote: majority Appropriation: no Fiscal Committee: yes Local Program: no


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Started this petition 2 years ago

1 Comment

Barrios Antonio
Barrios Antonio

I am signing because I know the impact of this practice. Let ICE do their own job.

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