A mint tea or a medical consultation?

Written by Reynaldo — February 21, 2023
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Latinos in the US have always been confronted between their culture and traditional medicine.
We consult witches, healers or resort to the neighbor’s advice.
We spread ointments on the children in case of a cold or we put a cold water towel on them.
Some Latinos blindly trust traditional remedies and home remedies to treat health problems. Mental health may not be an exception. If these healing methods are important to you, use them. However, we advise you to seek a mental health professional or primary care doctor. Ask your doctor to make these healing practices part of your treatment plan. Mental health professionals have experience and the necessary knowledge of the type of effective treatment that may work for you. You can use both approaches to seek your recovery.
Latinos are no different when it comes to common causes of mental health conditions when compared to their peers. However, your doubts or experiences about how to understand and deal with these conditions may be different. According to the National Alliance on Mental Health (NAMI), common mental health problems among Latinos are generally anxiety problems, major depression, and post-traumatic stress problems. Additionally NAMI states that high school girls have high rates of suicide attempts. As a community, Latinos are less likely to seek mental health treatment. A recent Surgeon General report found that only 20 percent of Latinos with symptoms of psychological problems talk to their doctor about their concerns. Only ten percent contact a mental health specialist. Different reasons prevent Latinos from seeking treatment and receiving proper care.

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