This country has had a rock in its shoe when it comes to racial justice. It is part of your story.
We have thousands of stories that tell us how minority communities, whether they are black or Latino, have been attacked by a system that does not favor them, either through police arrests or at the time of receiving a conviction for committing a crime. crime.
According to recent statistics, at the national level, the black community adds up to 1,240 for every 100,000 residents in the country’s prisons, compared to 261 in white communities, according to figures from the US Bureau of Justice. On average one in 81 African Americans are. in a state prison.
In California the figures are worse. One in 62 are in prison.
Latinos are also hit by these figures. They represent 349 of every 100,000 in the country or 1.3 to 1 compared to the white population.
AB 256 would allow persons with convictions or judgments prior to January 1, 2021 to petition the court and seek relief if a racial bias violation was proven to be present in their case.This week, it passed its final legislative hurdle and goes to the governor’s desk.