ABORTION: A timeline of the evolution of abortion rights in California

Written by Parriva — June 29, 2022
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1850 Crimes and Punishments Act

Prohibits abortion except when necessary to save a woman’s life


People v. Ballard

Establishes that threat to a woman’s life need not be imminent or certain


People v. Buffum

Allows “steerers” to help women plan and seek abortions in Mexico


First bill introduced legalizing abortion

Dies in committee


San Francisco Nine

State Medical Examiners Board threatens medical licenses of 9 doctors for performing abortions on women infected with rubella


California Therapeutic

Abortion Act

Legalizes abortion to protect the physical or mental health of a woman or in the case of rape or incest


People v. Belous

The state constitutional right to an abortion is upheld for the first time in California


Abortion numbers skyrocket

California reports the number of abortions is doubling every six months


Roe v. Wade

U.S. Supreme Court establishes a woman’s right to an abortion under the 14th Amendment


Medi-Cal coverage reinstated

California Supreme Court rules that Medi-Cal cannot restrict abortion coverage


Parental consent required

Legislature requires parental consent or court authorization for minors seeking abortion


Parental consent overturned

State Supreme Court rules the parental consent requirement unconstitutional


Mifepristone approved

FDA approves the first abortion pill


Reproductive Privacy Act

Establishes the right to seek an abortion for any reason prior to fetal viability, and allows mid-level clinicians to provide abortion pills.


Access to providers expanded

Law allows certified nurse midwives, physicians assistants and nurse practitioners to perform first trimester abortions


Gov. Jerry Brown vetoes university abortion act

Brown vetoes a law requiring public universities to provide abortion pills


U.S. Supreme Court blocks California law

A first: US Supreme Court rebukes state on abortion, rejecting its rule that faith-based ‘crisis pregnancy centers’ provide abortion info


College Student Right to Access Act

Gov. Gavin Newsom signs the reintroduced bill requiring public universities to provide abortion pills at no cost



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