Are parents setting a bad example? Some use ChatGPT4 to help them with their children

Written by Parriva — October 15, 2023
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Experts have recommended putting limits on the use of ChatGPT4 in your children’s education; Schools have limited or banned it but ChatGPT’s latest job is to be mom and dad’s brilliant sidekick. Parents of kids of all ages are using the chatbot to help raise their children.

The tool has the potential to ease the burden on burned-out, over-scheduled parents. But it’s no replacement for a human’s judgment — especially regarding what’s best for their kids.

ChatGPT4 excels at brainstorming and research — both functions that can be uniquely useful to parents, says Celia Quillian, a product marketer in Atlanta who runs a TikTok account advising followers on creative ways to use the robot.

The chatbot could plan an 8-year-old’s mermaid-themed birthday party in seconds, offering drink ideas like mermaid fruit punch — blue Gatorade with floating gummy fish — and snack ideas like seashell cookies.

It can conjure up a chore chart for a group of young siblings, tailoring the tasks so they’re appropriate for each age. For example, a 7-year-old might start with picking up toys, while their 13-year-old sibling vacuums the living room.
It can even answer age-old questions that kids ask exasperated parents. Think, “Why is the sky blue?” The chatbot will feed you an answer fit for a 4-year-old.

Some parents are using the chatbot to navigate even bigger milestones in their children’s lives.

Parents have used it to script “the talk” with young teens or draft a toast for their child’s wedding.

Colleges seek to ‘ChatGPT-proof’ assignments

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