Car insurance is getting more expensive. Here are some tips to save on your policy

Written by Parriva — February 27, 2024
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car insurance

It’s getting more expensive to drive on California roads and the already high car insurance cost is expected to increase.

Experts point to a number of factors for the cost of car insurance vehicle going up.

“Insurance companies had a rough patch in 2022 and they are squeezing out every bit of profit to make up for that,” said Doug Heler with the Consumer Federation of America.

Making up for the bad times is just one reason. Car repair costs are also getting more expensive, but consumer advocates say that excuse should only go so far.

“It’s one thing to keep up with inflation, it’s another thing to use inflation as a strategy for increasing profits.”

The state of California does have a commissioner who is supposed to regulate costs but consumers can also take some steps on their own.

If your car is older, consider dropping your collision coverage. You will lose coverage, but it could lead to big savings.

Keep your driving information updated with your insurer. You may qualify for a cheaper plan.

Drivers should also shop around.

“One of the best things people can do and should do, these days I say every year, is go shop your policy,” Heller said. “I just spoke with consumers who cut their insurance in half just by looking around. They had been so used to sticking to their old company, they didn’t realize how out-of-whack those rates can become.”
If you’re a low-income earner with a family, you may qualify for a state-run plan that offers big savings.

“If you are a good driver but have a lower, moderate income – like a family of four with less than $75,000 a year – you may qualify for a special California program available through the state’s website,” he added.

“You can get a .. bare-bones policy but it costs less than $500 a year.”

It can all add up and that can keep you on the road to financial well-being.


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