Juan J. San Juan: “I am a dreamer… ‘me voy a las nubes’”

Written by Reynaldo Mena — August 23, 2023

By Reynaldo Mena

This Saturday, the efforts and dreams of chef Juan J. San Juan III will come true. He is inaugurating, along with a group of partners, friends, and a close-knit team, his most ambitious project, 1111 La Experiencia.

juan j. san juan

“It’s incredible, I’m super excited, we’re finally going to have our alley where we can offer our gastronomic proposal, but we’re also going to provide a space for street vendors, and we’re going to replicate the best of both worlds, Mascota, Jalisco, the place of origin of our family, and Los Angeles,” says Juan J. San Juan III, visibly excited.

The 1111 La Experiencia project has its origins in the work done first during the pandemic and later in nursing homes and community events.

“Everything happened gradually; first one experience came, and then we moved on to others. This Saturday, we will make them a reality with the opening of this project,” adds the chef.

During the pandemic, with the closure of restaurants and the needs of the community, chef Juan J. San Juan III gathered a group of chefs and volunteers to offer free meals to those in need. He distributed burritos outside the family restaurant La Gloria and made excursions to California’s agricultural fields and nursing homes.

“We tried to help as much as we could, providing food and rays of hope to people during those difficult times,” he says.

This program was so successful that, at the end of the pandemic and with the volunteer team being well-organized and committed, Juan J. San Juan III wondered about the next steps. This is how the Chefs Supporting Chefs group was formed, where they not only helped each other with the economic challenges they faced post-pandemic but also continued their philanthropic efforts for those in need.

It’s here that Juan J. San Juan’s idea for 1111 La Experiencia was born.

“I want to share all those experiences that have brought us to where we are in this space. Mascota is one of the so-called magical towns in Mexico. Well, we’re going to connect that magic with 1111 La Experiencia. We’re going to be sister towns, and here, in our food, drinks, and space, we’ll reproduce that magic so that people who don’t know these places in Mexico can come and experience it here,” says an enthusiastic San Juan III.

“Out of ten things we dream, maybe eight don’t come true. But if two do, it’s a miracle,” he adds. “I am a dreamer… ‘me voy a las nubes’, but I fight to make them come true.”

This project has received the support of Councilman Kevin de Leon, who has facilitated a smooth process for its realization.

“And it’s logical. This District 14, where we are located, is predominantly Latino, and this project is designed to help and support Latinos. This is the first alley we have, but if we can expand alleys to other parts of the city, it will be fabulous. Street vendors won’t have to be afraid; they will be in a safe place, we will help them get their permits, provide economic guidance, and open doors for them,” he says.

1111 La Experiencia is located in front of LA Live, so this chef hopes that it won’t only be Latinos who attend on weekends.

“I hope that those who come to see the Lakers will cross the street to our restaurants, our music,” he adds.

In Mascota, Jalisco, there is a very famous street called Calle Ancha.

“It’s called that because it’s the only two-way street,” says San Juan III, laughing. “Well, we’re going to replicate that street and have it in this space.”

The chef plans to travel to other magical towns in the near future to bring that experience to Los Angeles.

“There are 137 magical towns; we’re going to start visiting them and gradually introduce them to California. We will meet with their chefs, learn from their cuisine, and duplicate that magic,” he says.

Recently, his family started producing a type of aguardiente called raicilla. The name of their brand is Los 4 Juanes, representing his family.

“It has a history dating back to my grandfather. He was the best blacksmith in the region, and some customers would bring him aguardiente; at the end of the workday, they would say, ‘let’s ‘oncear.” I never understood what ‘oncear’ meant until my dad explained it to me. Aguardiente has eleven letters,” and he laughs. “So, we’re going to ‘oncear’ with our history, this raicilla will be the only one sold at La Experiencia.”

When asked about his relationship with Councilman Kevin de León, who faced serious issues in the City Council and within parts of the community due to alleged racist comments months ago, San Juan III says he’s not concerned.

“I’ve always said, if a person helps the community, they are welcome, I don’t care about politics. I can assure you the following: when I’ve shared a burrito with someone, they’ve never questioned who is behind it,” he says categorically.

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