A journey of love and hope for the community

Written by Parriva — July 23, 2024

journey of love and hope

It all began as a coincidence, perhaps dictated by destiny.

One day, a friend approached Lizzie Lopez and asked her to sponsor one of the children from an orphanage in Ensenada, Mexico, this friends aunt visited this orphanage frequently and provide assistance.

Lizzie not only agreed to sponsor one child but twenty. She also asked to accompany her friend’s aunt and witness the situation of those children and their needs.

That marked her, she suggested to her friend’s aunt Marta to make more trips and let her take the lead.

Thus was born Journey of Love and Hope, a non-profit organization that seeks to help not only orphanages in Mexico but also the homeless population in Skid Row. With donated food she holds food giveaway events in different parts of the city, some of them organized with Terry Cortez, the popular morning show host from 97.9 FM.-La Raza.


We focus on making the maximum positive impact for our community and our orphan children abroad. Our members and volunteers provide the momentum that helps us make a difference. Using data-driven models, we provide solutions that make a long-lasting difference,” writes Lizzie on her presentation page on her social media.

“We seek to help those we can, I know I can’t solve the world’s problems, but I try to change the things I see happening in the present,” she adds.

Sometimes she receives calls from people or organizations so she can get involved, other times it’s Lizzie who organizes the activities.

“Our foundation operates based on donations. When we need something, we post it, make some calls, and mobilize with volunteers to meet those needs. One day, Amazon contacted me, I don’t know how they found out about us, they told me that JourneyLH qualified for their assistance. I thought they would send me a few products, but they filled me with items that I later distribute at events,” she says.


Social networks have helped her connect with communities and volunteers.

“I publish a calendar, announce what we need, and people start coming forward. We were founded in 2016, so we already have a good group that shares our passion for helping. That’s where they find out about the activities and what we need,” says Lizzie.


Despite being grateful for the support she has received, she thinks she needs to take the next step.

“It’s like they say, I’m a one-woman show most of the time. I need the help of more people to help me write grants, take care of other things in the foundation, and thus have more time to meet with organizations, politicians, other avenues to obtain financing. For now, I handle most of the things we donate. I receive a lot of help, but if sometimes I receive a call asking for something, I go out and get it or buy it, there’s no need to wait,” she adds.

“I have the experience of knowing that there are good people who want to help. The people who have the least are the ones who contribute the most, even if they barely have enough to survive,” she says.


“I’m lucky to have a good base of people who respond to my call. Some, after the first time, they don’t stray. There are others who help me transport donations. There are many needs. We need a warehouse now to store the things that come in and are not immediately distributed. I hope that with time more pople will join us.” she adds.


The website is:





Lizzie Lopez: “I am not naive, I know I can’t fix the world, I do it to at least fix what we see at the moment.”

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