If there’s one thing Franky Carrillo Jr. has, it’s hope, a desire for justice, and patience.
The candidate for the 52nd District of the Assembly is clear that changes need to be made… For the good of the community.
Franky, who spent 20 years in prison for a crime that the justice system later acknowledged he didn’t commit, is entering the final stretch of his campaign for this key position.
“It’s time to bring justice to the community and not let projects that only favor a few interests take over California,” he says.
His campaign has been taking off, gaining significant support from politicians and activists, such as the current assembly member for the district, Wendy Carrillo, and the former mayor of Los Angeles, Antonio Villaraigosa.
June is very emotional for Franky Jr; this year marks 32 years since his release but also the death of his father.
“It’s curious,” he says. “How justice returns and offers the opportunity to change. The officer who arrested me is now returning to a position in the probation office that I now oversee. That officer, when he took me to prison, told me, ‘Look at the streets, take a good look, you’ll never be free.’ This officer fabricated charges and testimonies against me, later it was proven that I was innocent. I want to bring reforms to the Assembly so that these things don’t happen again.”
June is very emotional for Franky; this year marks 32 years since his nightmare started, but it is also the month of the death of his father.
“It’s very difficult for me, but this year is also hopeful, I have immense confidence in my campaign and what I can offer to bring justice to the community,” he adds.
Franky, despite having suffered an injustice, does not seek revenge; he wants to bring in his proposal and spirit the principle of forgiveness.
“You can’t achieve justice without forgiveness, but the facts must be known. There are many problems in California, homelessness, the economy, jobs, there is a way to remedy it, by getting closer and talking about them and offering fair solutions. In the community, there is an army of people gearing up to take to the streets because they can’t afford their basic human rights. My proposal is to enact legislation that helps them and doesn’t expel them,” he says.
And he adds, “I’m back at the table, the jury is out.”
The election will be held this November.