Category: COVID
Teenagers the most affected by the effects of the pandemic Teenagers the most affected by the effects of the pandemic
COVID February 21, 2023

Teenagers the most affected by the effects of the pandemic

The pandemic took a harsh toll on the U.S. teen girls' mental ... more

Homelessness is linked to a higher risk of death from COVID Homelessness is linked to a higher risk of death from COVID
COVID December 19, 2022

Homelessness is linked to a higher risk of death from COVID

People experiencing homelessness in Los Angeles County who contract COVID-19 are more ... more

The government will Provide you Free COVID Tests by mail Again The government will Provide you Free COVID Tests by mail Again
COVID December 16, 2022

The government will Provide you Free COVID Tests by mail Again

Americans can order four more free COVID-19 tests through the mail, starting ... more

Hospitalizations signal rising COVID-19 risk for US seniors Hospitalizations signal rising COVID-19 risk for US seniors
COVID December 12, 2022

Hospitalizations signal rising COVID-19 risk for US seniors

FACTS: Nationally, the rate of daily hospital admissions for those 70 and older ... more

Exercising affects people who had long-term Covid Exercising affects people who had long-term Covid
COVID December 5, 2022

Exercising affects people who had long-term Covid

As one of the many Americans suffering from long Covid, a condition ... more

COVID cases increase in Los Angeles County mask mandate could return COVID cases increase in Los Angeles County mask mandate could return
COVID December 3, 2022

COVID cases increase in Los Angeles County mask mandate could return

Los Angeles County may soon reimpose indoor mask mandates as COVID-19 cases ... more

Risk for newly diagnosed diabetes after COVID-19 Risk for newly diagnosed diabetes after COVID-19
COVID November 22, 2022

Risk for newly diagnosed diabetes after COVID-19

There is growing evidence that patients recovering after a severe acute respiratory ... more