Hollywood actor and writer strikes have broad support among Americans

Written by Parriva — September 22, 2023
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actors strike

Public support for striking Hollywood actors and writers is broad, but not necessarily deep enough for most people to change their viewing habits, a new poll finds.

A majority (55%) of U.S. adults sympathize with the writers and actors in the months-long dispute than with the studios they’re striking against (3%), the poll from The Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research shows.

Half of Americans (50%) approve of writers and actors striking, while 40% are neutral on the topic, and 9% disapprove. The more people said they had heard about the strike, the more likely they were to favor it. About six in 10 Americans have heard “a lot” or “some” about the labor strikes of writers and actors against Hollywood studios. People who have heard “a lot” or “some” about the strike are more likely than those who have heard less to approve (63% vs. 29%).

“I’m a big supporter of labor,” said one respondent, James Denton of Louisville, Kentucky, who said he strongly approves of the strikes and has followed them closely. “I’m a union member myself, my father was the president of a union, I believe in unions, they’re well worth the money.”

About a quarter (24%) of U.S. adults do not sympathize with either the writers and actors or the studios, and 18% are split between the sides.

Overall sympathy toward the writers and actors runs much more strongly among Democrats (70%), than Independents (47%) and Republicans (39%). Republicans (35%) are more likely than Democrats (15%) to say they sympathize with neither side.

When the questions move beyond approval toward potential actions favoring the strike, the support gets considerably softer. One-third would consider boycotting TV shows, while even more (41%) would not. Slightly fewer (27%) said they would consider canceling streaming services, while 44% said they would not. Three in 10 Americans also said they would consider boycotting movie theaters, while 34% would not. The unions have yet to ask for any of these moves from consumers, though have said they might if the standoffs last long enough.

“They’re not acting in a movie; the actors have gone on strike.”

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