How to Increase Student Use of CalFresh

Written by Parriva — January 30, 2025
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improving calfresh access

Improving CalFresh Access Recommendations

In addition to their report, the researchers produced fact sheets for higher education administrators, CalFresh administrators and policymakers.

Some of the key recommendations for colleges and universities include:
Increase and stabilize staffing in campus basic needs offices.
Build relationships between basic needs and financial aid offices. Students who use one basic need service should be informed about or screened for potential participation in CalFresh, as well as other available social services.

Recommendations for policymakers include:

Connect financial aid information directly to the CalFresh application system. Offer students the option to allow information from their Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) to automatically feed into a CalFresh application.

Link assistance programs so that students can prequalify or partially qualify for programs with similar eligibility requirements. For example, a student receiving a Cal Grant could be notified that they likely qualify for CalFresh, which has similar eligibility requirements.

Recommendations for CalFresh/SNAP administrators include:

Increase the transparency of application outcomes to applicants and institutional staff, particularly regarding reasons for application denials.

Support relationships between county CalFresh programs and academic institutions — for example, by ensuring that some SNAP program staff are familiar with student-specific requirements.

1 in 10 (11%) undocumented Californians are living in deep poverty.

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