Jacqueline Villalta: ‘The most important thing at Thanksgiving is to create a sense of community’

Written by Reynaldo Mena — November 27, 2024
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“It is a very important, very sensitive day, and for people going through a tough time, having someone to share a meal with is important,” says Jacqueline Villalta

Just last week, Jacqueline Villalta received two awards for her work, one from Supervisor Hilda Solis and another from the city of South El Monte. For her, this is a gratifying acknowledgment but does not define her passion or mission.

“We will be holding our regular food donation and other services event this Thursday, on Thanksgiving Day. I know many organizations and politicians distribute food before Thanksgiving, but for me, it is important to do it on Thanksgiving. It is a very important, very sensitive day, and for people going through a tough time, having someone to share a meal with is important,” says Jacqueline Villalta, CEO of Operation Healthy Hearts (OHH), a community-driven organization she founded in 2012, with the mission of addressing food insecurity and homelessness through sustainable, accessible solutions.

This year, she hasn’t had as many difficulties collecting what is needed. She feels that the economic needs, increased homelessness, and the lack of housing have sparked a spirit of solidarity in the community.

“There were some challenges in past years, but this year has been different. Yes, I dedicated a lot of time to gathering what we need, but I didn’t struggle as much,” she adds.

“The community always prevails, no matter its size, it’s the only way to overcome our problems. For people, it’s important to be there, to feel safe, to feel that someone cares about them,” she adds.

Whether through social media, the media, or announcements posted on church or organization walls, meals are being advertised for those in need this Thanksgiving. The number of people who could benefit ranges from a few dozen to hundreds of people or families.

For example, the traditional Union Station Homeless Services “Dinner In the Park” event was almost canceled days before due to a lack of donations, but a wave of help started arriving, and more than 400 turkeys will be prepared to begin providing food for families or individuals.

For Villalta, this Thursday will not be just any day. She will wake up around 4:30 a.m. and begin preparing the food that will be distributed starting at 10 a.m.

“The community always prevails, no matter its size, it’s the only way to overcome our problems. For people, it’s important to be there, to feel safe, to feel that someone cares about them,” she adds.

For Villalta, the work continues through the end of the year. Christmas is approaching, and she must be prepared. That’s why any help that comes in is welcome.

“Water, non-perishable products, blankets, and winter clothes, anything is welcome,” she says.


Donate by purchasing an item from her Amazon wishlist: Amazon Wishlist: https://a.co/a5IWkuW

Contact: jvillalta@operationhealthyhearts.org

Thanksgiving: Whittier Narrows from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m.


Jacqueline Villalta: “We need more people from the community to join the cause of helping the homeless and families at risk.”

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