Latinos spend more on Black Friday than on Cyber ​​Monday, according to a report

Written by Reynaldo Mena — November 27, 2022
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Cyber ​​Monday — expected to be the biggest online shopping day of the year — is getting off to an early start after Black Friday sales end.
And Latinos react differently on both days.
According to a survey developed by the firm Consolidated Credit on Black Friday, 48.5% of Hispanics planned to buy that day, the figure dropped to 23.6% for that Cyber ​​Monday.
For those who will buy, the majority do not plan to spend more than $200 and only 0.6 plan to spend more than $1000.
74.2 of them plan to pay for their purchases with a credit or debit card and 3.6 plan to do so on credit.
Consumers spent $5.29 billion on Thanksgiving Day, a 2.9% increase over last year, per Adobe.
Black Friday is expected to bring in $9 billion in online sales, up just 1% from last year.
Cyber ​​Monday is projected to grow 5.1% over last year with $11.2 billion in sales, Adobe said.
Meanwhile, Cyber ​​Week, the five days from Thanksgiving through Cyber ​​Monday, is expected to generate $34.8 billion in online spending and represent 16.3% of the November to December holiday season, Adobe projects.
Computers and furniture are expected to have the biggest discounts this Cyber ​​Monday, Adobe said.

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