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medi-cal expansion

“This expansion is a game changer for healthcare here in California because it makes the system more inclusive,” Alvarez said.

Medi-Cal expansion, the state’s health insurance program for extremely low-income people, to all undocumented immigrants, regardless of their age, not only helps them but reduces costs for hospitals, benefiting the entire health care system.That’s the opinion of Ana Alvarez, Campaign Organizer for Health Access California, a statewide health care consumer advocacy coalition advocating for quality, affordable health care for all Californians.

“This expansion is a game changer for healthcare here in California because it makes the system more inclusive,” Alvarez said. “It works better for everyone when folks are included because whether or not they are part of the healthcare system, they’re just as prone to getting sick, getting hurt.”

Before, uninsured folks would use home remedies or wait until ailments worsen before they showed up at the Emergency Room and either pay full price (often impossible) or rely on the hospital’s charity care.

“This Medi-Cal expansion is a game changer for healthcare here in California because it makes the system more inclusive,” Alvarez said.

But if they are covered by Medi-Cal, “clinics and hospitals get paid for the services they provide for these folks and are able to maintain their services for everyone else,” Alvarez noted.

Several counties in the state already offered programs for undocumented immigrants, such as My Health LA in Los Angeles or Healthy San Francisco. But if people moved or they got hurt in another county, they couldn’t acess those services.


And undocumented immigrants, who often take on dangerous, arduous jobs, are three times as likely to suffer occupational injuries compared to the general labor force, according to the National Institutes of Health.

The farmer, service and restaurant workers often work multiple jobs to make ends meet with no days off. “They are overworked or working in jobs that are pretty strenuous where they can’t afford to take time off to heal from injuries. For them, surviving is more important,” Alvarez described.

Alvarez calls the expansion a “gamechanger” for healthcare in the state, but notes that the challenge is to get undocumented to sign up for Medi-Cal and make sure they qualify.


Alvarez calls the expansion a “gamechanger” for healthcare in the state, but notes that the challenge is to get undocumented to sign up for Medi-Cal and make sure they qualify.

“Trump caused a lot of scare in the community. People continue to remain in the shadows because they fear getting deported,” she admitted and noted that the most important allies in these registration efforts must be “promotoras de salud”, trusted community groups and even those immigrants who sign up and can spread the word to others.

“Speaking from experience really resonates in the community,” Alvarez said.

Alvarez recommends that those interested in signing up for Medi-Cal should head to their local county office or community clinic that also have enrollment services.

She admitted that registration may be a daunting task at first.

People continue to remain in the shadows because they fear getting deported,” she admitted and noted that the most important allies in these registration efforts must be “promotoras de salud”, trusted community groups and even those immigrants who sign up and can spread the word to others.

It takes a little bit of a process to fill out your application and have the county review it. You have to show proof of residency here in California and proof of income, such as income taxes or check stubs and a ID with photo (it can be a passport or other document).

But the main thing, Alvarez said is, “apply as soon as possible.”

“You’re not going to get Medi-Cal the next day, but the sooner you do it, the sooner you’ll be registered into the system.”


Link to the county office is here.

Resources by county can be found here.

Link to income limit chart here.

Public charge resources can be found here.



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