Become a Member

Our Latino community needs a unifying platform to help advance their efforts. Help support us by becoming a member plus supporting our mission to inform and build a powerful platform to help our community thrive.

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This is what your donation supports


 Local investigative journalism focused in assisting the Latino community improve their way of life. 

Expert campaign advice

 Our staff provides advice for mobilizing petition support, generating media interest and lobbying elected officials.

Better technology

The technology we build is key to facilitating participation and empowering our Latino community. 

We can't do this type of work without your generous monthly support.

These are just a few of the ways we show our appreciation:

Access to premium products

Networking Invitations

Business partners discounts

You can help make a difference

Watch this video to see powerful stories of change made possible by our members:

Establishing a new approach

We know that in order to get our Latino community to thrive we need to create a supportive community enviroment where the focus is on informing, diolog and taking action.  This requires the innovation of a tech startup focused on journalism, social engagement and activation but comes with all the costs of a top website. As a Community Benefitting  Corporation, we’re a company with a social mission held to high external standards of accountability. Our model relies on membership contributions from people like you.

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