Category: Mental health
Mental Health: Lawsuits increase against social media companies Mental Health: Lawsuits increase against social media companies
Mental health March 28, 2023

Mental Health: Lawsuits increase against social media companies

Social media companies are increasingly being blamed for historically high rates of ... more

Mental Health: Keep moving. How Exercise Strengthens Your Brain Mental Health: Keep moving. How Exercise Strengthens Your Brain
Mental health April 4, 2024

Mental Health: Keep moving. How Exercise Strengthens Your Brain

Exercise offers short-term boosts in cognition. Studies show that immediately after a ... more

“Mental health is like the skin. We only pay attention to it when we get burned.” “Mental health is like the skin. We only pay attention to it when we get burned.”
Mental health May 24, 2023

“Mental health is like the skin. We only pay attention to it when we get burned.”

  Dr. Ilan Shapiro firmly believes that the Latino community is undergoing a ... more

Mental health and the pandemic: What U.S. surveys have found Mental health and the pandemic: What U.S. surveys have found
Mental health March 6, 2023

Mental health and the pandemic: What U.S. surveys have found

The coronavirus pandemic has been associated with worsening mental health among people ... more

Medicare Expands Mental Health Care Coverage; CA has one of the largest Mental Health care systems Medicare Expands Mental Health Care Coverage; CA has one of the largest Mental Health care systems
Mental health December 20, 2023

Medicare Expands Mental Health Care Coverage; CA has one of the largest Mental Health care systems

The largest expansion of Medicare's mental health services in a generation can ... more

Marijuana Linked to Mental Health Risks in Young Adults Marijuana Linked to Mental Health Risks in Young Adults
Mental health May 29, 2023

Marijuana Linked to Mental Health Risks in Young Adults

Over the last decade of diagnosing countless young patients with new psychotic ... more

Perceiving Moral Decline: Unveiling Humanity’s Ethics Truth Perceiving Moral Decline: Unveiling Humanity’s Ethics Truth
Mental health June 11, 2023

Perceiving Moral Decline: Unveiling Humanity’s Ethics Truth

Moral decline perception: Unveiling the Cognitive Perception of Humanity's Ethics. People around ... more

Many Fear the Art of Doing Nothing Many Fear the Art of Doing Nothing
Mental health July 3, 2023

Many Fear the Art of Doing Nothing

Doing nothing, just glancing at the horizon while the waves of the ... more

Maintaining a skincare routine is essential for you mental health Maintaining a skincare routine is essential for you mental health
Mental health March 17, 2023

Maintaining a skincare routine is essential for you mental health

What you need right now is a pandemic skin-care self-care plan. Simply ... more

Looking for silence, the wellness tourism industry Looking for silence, the wellness tourism industry
Mental health April 8, 2024

Looking for silence, the wellness tourism industry

Silence? It's worth a try, say the travelers who are seeking relief ... more

Loneliness Poses Risks as Deadly as Smoking Loneliness Poses Risks as Deadly as Smoking
Mental health May 3, 2023

Loneliness Poses Risks as Deadly as Smoking

    Widespread loneliness in the U.S. poses health risks as deadly as smoking ... more

Loneliness is a biological phenomenon with consequences; affects undocumented immigrants Loneliness is a biological phenomenon with consequences; affects undocumented immigrants
Mental health July 17, 2023

Loneliness is a biological phenomenon with consequences; affects undocumented immigrants

How loneliness affects undocumented Latinos Since older undocumented immigrants tend to live with ... more

Loneliness and Insomnia, the Harmful Real Impact of AI on Workers Lives Loneliness and Insomnia, the Harmful Real Impact of AI on Workers Lives
Mental health June 26, 2023

Loneliness and Insomnia, the Harmful Real Impact of AI on Workers Lives

The recent rapid advance in generative A.I. and tools like ChatGPT has ... more

California’s Mental Health Services Act Undergoes Major Reforms: What You Need to Know California’s Mental Health Services Act Undergoes Major Reforms: What You Need to Know
Mental health September 16, 2023

California’s Mental Health Services Act Undergoes Major Reforms: What You Need to Know

Lawmakers signed off on a major legislature overhaul of California's Mental Health ... more

Learn how Christmas could affect your mental health. Learn how Christmas could affect your mental health.
Mental health December 20, 2024

Learn how Christmas could affect your mental health.

Christmas could affect our mental health in lots of different ways. This ... more

What You Can Learn About Yourself From Your Past Lovers What You Can Learn About Yourself From Your Past Lovers
Mental health August 26, 2023

What You Can Learn About Yourself From Your Past Lovers

Have you had a passionate love affair that ultimately ended, but the ... more

Launch plan to assist Californians with mental illness Launch plan to assist Californians with mental illness
Mental health March 30, 2023

Launch plan to assist Californians with mental illness

Eight California counties are going first in a planned statewide, controversial experiment ... more