Most Americans haven’t used ChatGPT; few think it will have a major impact on their job

Written by Parriva — August 29, 2023
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The debut of ChatGPT has led some tech experts to declare it part of a “robot revolution.” But most Americans haven’t used ChatGPT, and only a small share think chatbots will have a major impact on their jobs. Even fewer Americans say chatbots would be helpful for their own work, according to a new Pew Research Center survey conducted July 17-23.

Who has used ChatGPT?
Roughly a quarter of Americans who have heard of ChatGPT (24%) say they have ever used it. That amounts to 18% of U.S. adults overall. Younger adults are more likely than older adults to have used ChatGPT. Among those who have heard about ChatGPT, about four-in-ten adults under 30 have used it; that share drops to 19% when looking at 50- to 64-year-olds and to just 5% for those 65 and older.

College-educated Americans stand out: 32% of adults who have a college degree or more education and have heard of ChatGPT have used it. Among those who have heard of the chatbot, men are more likely than women to report using ChatGPT (29% vs. 19%).

How do Americans use ChatGPT?
One-in-five U.S. adults who have heard of ChatGPT say they have ever used it for entertainment. A similar share (19%) say they have used it to learn something, while 16% of those who have heard of the tool and are employed say they have used it for tasks at work.

Younger adults are more likely than their older peers to have used ChatGPT for education or amusement. For example, among those who have heard of ChatGPT, three-in-ten adults under 30 have used it for learning, compared with 11% of those 50 and older.

Similarly, 29% of adults who are under 50 and have heard of ChatGPT have used it for entertainment, while 10% of their older counterparts have done the same.

There is a similar pattern among employed adults who have heard of the tool: Those under 50 are more likely than those 50 and older to report having used ChatGPT for work (18% vs. 10%).

Adults with a high school education or less who have heard of ChatGPT are significantly less likely than their peers with higher levels of formal education to have used ChatGPT for entertainment, learning or work. For example, among those who have heard of ChatGPT, 13% who have a high school diploma or less say they have used it to learn something new, compared with roughly one-in-five or more of those with some college (21%), a bachelor’s degree (19%) or a postgraduate education (26%).

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