Here we share the new housing laws renters should know to save money and protect against eviction.
One change is how much money you have to put up front to rent an apartment.
Previously before you locked in a unit, you usually needed your first month, plus a security deposit, in advance.
Now, the amount you have to pay up front could potentially drop by thousands of dollars.
“Landlords can now charge just one month of security deposit up front,” said attorney Neama Rahmani. “Previously they could charge two months, if the unit was unfurnished, or even up to three months if the unit was furnished.”
Renters are also getting new eviction protections.
Soon it will be difficult for landlords to evict a tenant under the “No Fault, Just Cause” policy.
Currently, a tenant can be evicted if the landlord or landlord’s family is going to move in.
But starting April 1, Ella’s landlord or her family will have to move in within 90 days and live there for at least a year.
Local governments are also now banned from “crime-free housing” policies.
Cities and counties can’t mandate penalties or evictions against people who have been charged, convicted, or had police called on them. The ban also applies to the family members of a tenant.
Renters are not the only ones benefiting from new housing laws.
Homeowners will now have more options when it comes to so-called “granny flats” – or accessory dwelling units
“Now they can separate and either build or sell an ADU – an accessory dwelling unit – and sell that separately as a condo,” Rahmani said. “Lawmakers think that’s something that will help the state housing crisis.”
With housing prices sky high – this could give many would-be homebuyers the opportunity they need to afford a starter home.