Parriva Articles: Covering Stories That Impact The Latino Community


What Social Media Does to the Teen Brain

Every generation has its moral panic and for Gen Z — teenagers today — it is, undoubtedly, social media. Recent public health warnings have stoked fears in parents that a

How Common Are Sexless Marriages?

A lot of adults are living in sexless marriages. Data from nationally representative US surveys indicate that around 7 percent of married adults haven’t had sex in the past year,

U.S incomes

U.S. Incomes Fall for Third Straight Year

Surging inflation gobbled up household incomes gains last year, making 2022 the third straight year in which Americans saw their living standards eroded by rising prices and pandemic disruptions. Americans’

Does this number make me look fat?

In 2019, an ESPN report explored the reasons so many football wide receivers prefer to wear jersey numbers between 10 and 19. The story found that many of the athletes

More mothers are working than ever before

Defying all expectations, the percentage of women in the workforce with young children is significantly higher than it’s ever been, says a new report from the Hamilton Project at the

‘Margaritaville’ singer Jimmy Buffett dies at 76

Singer-songwriter Jimmy Buffett, who popularized beach bum soft rock with the escapist Caribbean-flavored song “Margaritaville” and turned that celebration of loafing into a billion-dollar empire of restaurants, resorts and frozen

Taking the Sting Out of Social Rejection

Humans. We’re a social beast. We’ve gotten this far because we’ve banded together to create language, technology, and entire civilizations. Whether we like to admit it or not, we need

AI’s next target: often-stressful salary negotiations

Salary negotiations — among the most high-stakes, emotionally fraught and psychologically complex processes many employees will ever experience — could soon get the artificial-intelligence treatment. Pactum AI, the world’s largest

Guatemala elects progressive Arévalo as president

A progressive from outside Guatemala’s power structure was resoundingly elected the country’s next president Sunday in a reprimand to the governing elite over widespread allegations of corruption. Despite preliminary results

Is Your Verbal Abuser Likely to Change?

The foundation for verbal abuse in an adult-on-adult relationship is an imbalance of power; one person has it and is highly motivated to keep it and continue to control the


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