Access to capital, business plan development, business courses and training…
The Economic and Workforce Department (EWDD) goal is to steer economic development in a manner that yields thriving businesses, and creates job training and career opportunities for the City of Los Angeles. We work every day to deliver a strong and committed workforce, sustainable neighborhoods and profitable communities throughout Los Angeles.
One-on-One Consulting
Entrepreneur Training Program (ETP)
Access to Capital
Business Education, Training and Workshops
Employee Hiring/Work Force Development
Economic Incentive and Development Programs
EWDD provides a broad range of programs that offer assistance in the areas of business support, employment and youth development. All programs are designed to grow and improve Los Angeles’ economy while building a well-trained and job-ready workforce.
- BusinessSource Centers
Nine citywide centers provide services such as access to capital, business plan development, tax incentives and credits, business courses and training, employee hiring and workforce development to business owners or startups
- BusinessSource Centers
- Economic Development
EWDD coordinates an “under-one-roof” approach to helping developers get new projects off the ground, leveraging public-owned assets for new development that spurs economic growth and jobs in struggling communities
- Economic Development
- WorkSource Centers
Seventeen citywide centers offer a wide range of quality employment related assistance to job seekers and employers such as literacy skills, training, referrals, job listings and placement with an emphasis on high growth industries to build and support a qualified workforce in Los Angeles. Job Portals, smaller versions of the WorkSource Centers, are located in select city libraries and other locations
- WorkSource Centers
- YouthSource Centers
Sixteen citywide youth development centers offer educational and career readiness services for disconnected youth ages 16 to 24 who are neither in school nor working
- YouthSource Centers
- Hire LA’s Youth, Summer Youth Employment Program
This program provides six weeks of subsidized work for Los Angeles youth, ages 14 to 24, with local partners including non-profits and businesses, and provides real world job experiences and opportunities for college, career and financial literacy training
- Hire LA’s Youth, Summer Youth Employment Program
- Day Labor Centers
Seven centers citywide help reduce the number of day laborers who congregate on city streets and provide them with safe fixed sites where they can gain job skills, obtain ESL instruction, legal advocacy, and workplace safety information