Written by Parriva — November 23, 2024


Since 1964, SCORE has helped more than 17 million entrepreneurs start, grow or successfully exit a business. SCORE’s 10,000 volunteers provide free, expert mentoring, resources and education in all 50 U.S. states and territories.


Partnering with entrepreneurs one-on-one, SCORE mentors support small business success by providing experienced advice, consulting on best practices, and education on business topics.

In 2023 alone, SCORE helped launch 31,167 new businesses and create 152,115 new jobs, including 120,948 non-owner jobs. We couldn’t accomplish this without the hard work of our 10,000 volunteers, who donated 4.5 million hours of their time to make it happen.


How SCORE Mentoring Works

There are several ways to get a mentor. You can enter your zip code in the box above and complete the mentoring request form to be paired with a local expert. If there is specific expertise you’re looking for, you can use the Mentor Matchmaker to find an expert based on industry or subject matter expertise.

Once you’ve submitted your mentoring request, your mentor will contact you by email to schedule an appointment for your mentoring session. We can work with you using different communication methods, including phone, video, email and in-person meetings.

During the session, you’ll discuss your business goals and challenges. Your mentor will ask you questions about what’s working in your business (and what’s not) and will seek to understand what you’re hoping to achieve in working with them. They will provide answers to your business questions, connect you to local and national resources, and will recommend workshops and events to help you fill any knowledge gaps that might exist.

If at any point, you need a different expert – because you need different expertise or if you don’t feel your mentor is the best fit – you can request additional support from other SCORE mentors in our network.

We can provide support for a simple business question or work with you through complex business challenges. You can with your mentor(s) as often as you need, for the life of your business. We provide support for all stages of the business lifecycle. This means that we’re here to help you if you’re thinking about starting a business, managing a business, growing your business, selling or exiting your business.

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