No-cost workforce services to businesses, non-profits, micro enterprises and social enterprices.
Our mission is to create quality jobs, helps small businesses and high-road employers start and grow, and builds vibrant local communities and spaces.
An equitable economy with thriving local communities, inclusive and sustainable growth, and opportunity and mobility for all.
Connect with a Business Services Representative
Our Business Services Representatives (BSRs) will work one-on-one with your business to identify challenges and solutions to help grow your business at no cost to you. BSRs will conduct a comprehensive and fully virtual Business Needs Assessment with you to determine how we can help. After the assessment is completed, a Business Service Representative will guide you through next steps to receive no cost County services that your business may need.
Fill out the employer intake form below to get started. Our Business Services Representatives are waiting to help your business grow and thrive in L.A. County.
We can help pay your employees wages
Our Business Services Representatives (BSRs) will work one-on-one with your business to identify opportunities for accessing subsidized wages programs available when you hire a new employee from our pipeline of qualified and diverse workers. Subsidized Wages programs currently available include, but are not limited to:
- (OJT) On-the-Job Training Program: OJT is a program where you, the employer, are reimbursed for a percentage of a new employee’s wage rate while you train them to be part of your business. Employers have saved thousands of dollars in wages by accessing this County program.
- (Y@W) Youth @ Work Program: Y@W is a program where you, the employer, have an opportunity to boost your workforce while providing youth with invaluable work experience. Employers who join the Y@W program benefit by being connected to Youth Workers who’s wages are subsidized by L.A. County for up to 100 hours. Y@W allows your business to increase its work capacity and help shape our future workers.
Access Business Tax Credits
Our Business Services Representatives (BSRs) will work one-on-one with your business to identify tax credits that your business may qualify for. BSRs can provide you with guidance and assistance in applying for new and established workforce related tax credits and incentives. Business Tax Credits and incentives currently available include, but are not limited to:
- (WOTC) Work Opportunity Tax Credit
- CA Competes Tax Credit
- Fair Chance Hiring Tax Credit