Written by Parriva — November 25, 2024

Loan Guarantee program encourages lenders to provide funds to small businesses to help them grow and prosper.

The California Infrastructure and Economic Development Bank (IBank) was created in 1994 to finance public infrastructure and private development that promote a healthy climate for jobs, contribute to a strong economy and improve the quality of life in California communities. IBank has broad authority to issue tax-exempt and taxable revenue bonds, provide financing to public agencies, provide credit enhancements, acquire or lease facilities, and leverage State and Federal funds. IBank’s current programs include the Infrastructure State Revolving Fund (ISRF) Loan Program, California Lending for Energy and Environmental Needs (CLEEN) Center, the Climate Catalyst Revolving Loan fund, Small Business Finance Center, Expanding Venture Capital Access Program, and the Bond Financing Program.

SBFC Loan Guarantee Program


IBank’s Small Business Finance Center features a loan guarantee program designed to assist small businesses that experience capital access barriers. The Small Business Loan Guarantee program encourages lenders to provide funds to small businesses to help them grow and prosper.

Originally known as the Small Business Loan Guarantee Program (SBLGP), the SBFC received seed money in 1968 in an effort to reduce unemployment by supporting entrepreneurship and small businesses. The Finance Center promotes statewide economic development by increasing opportunities for entrepreneurs, the self-employed, microbusiness and small business owners to have better access to capital and other technical resources.

The Small Business Loan Guarantee program helps businesses create and retain jobs, and encourages investment in low- to moderate-income communities. The Small Business Loan Guarantee program is available to small businesses throughout the state of California and serves hundreds of small businesses each year.

Eligible applicants include small businesses with 1-750 employees. Credit qualifications are based on lender criteria.

Eligible uses of the Small Business Loan Guarantee program financing proceeds include start-up costs, construction, inventory, working capital, business expansion, agriculture, lines of credit and more.

Jump Start Microloan Program


IBank’s Small Business Finance Center features a microloan program for businesses in low-wealth communities. The Jump Start Loan Program helps small businesses in low-wealth communities start, grow and thrive. Jump Start’s goal includes assisting underserved groups such as women, people of color, veterans, the disabled and those previously incarcerated.

The Jump Start loan program can help start or grow businesses for entrepreneurs that may not qualify for loans at traditional lenders or other programs because they are often too new or too small.

Jump Start microloans are available in amounts from $500 to $10,000. Jump Start also will provide borrowers with tools beyond money by offering them technical assistance and financial literacy training to improve their chance of success. IBank contracts with Financial Development Corporations (FDCs) that have proven experience with micro lending in low-wealth communities to provide the technical assistance, credit underwriting and loan disbursement. The five Jump Start FDCs are California Capital Financial Development Corporation, California Coastal Rural Development Corporation, NorCal Financial Development Corporation, Pacific Coast Regional Small Business Development Corporation and Valley Small Business Development Corporation. For contact information click here: Participating Lenders | California Infrastructure and Economic Development Bank (IBank).

California Small Business Loan Match

If you’re a small business owner looking for a good loan, you’re in the right place. Let California Small Business Loan Match connect you to pre-vetted lenders and loans you can trust, at no cost. Loan Match is powered by IBank, the state agency helping to promote a healthy economic climate and improve quality of life in California communities.

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