Petition to

Antonio and Jose: A Request for Justice—Just That, and It’s Not Much to Ask

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[caption id="attachment_38741" align="aligncenter" width="169"] Yvonne started a campaign on social media, Justice for Antonio and Jose, The Wrongfully Convicted.[/caption]

It has been almost six months since Yvonne Chavez confessed to Parriva: “I won’t rest until I see my brother free.”

Her ordeal continues. She has made phone calls, searched for public officials, and exposed the circumstances that led to her brothers, Antonio Chavez and Jose Beltran, being imprisoned—accused of a murder that Yvonne says was the result of coerced confessions by investigators and police.

Antonio ‘Tony’ Chavez, then 22, told his parents he was going to see his girlfriend; one of his friends, José Beltrán, accompanied him, and both ended up being accused and prosecuted for the murder of another young man. The police insisted it was a gang-related incident. However, in Yvonne’s eyes, with new witnesses coming forward, it has become clear that both young men were framed by the police—detectives fabricated evidence, manipulated testimonies, and ignored witness accounts that pointed to two other youths fleeing the scene as the true culprits.

The Los Angeles prosecutor’s office decided to reopen the case but, according to Yvonne, not much progress has been made due to delays and a shortage of personnel assigned to the task.

“Cases like those of Antonio Chavez and Jose Beltran have been pending for nearly four years without significant progress, causing profound emotional and psychological strain on those affected,” Yvonne writes in her petition to the authorities. She adds, “We, the undersigned, urge you to expand the Los Angeles District Attorney's Conviction Integrity Unit (CIU) to better address the urgent needs of wrongfully convicted individuals. We commend your efforts, including the approximately 14 exonerations achieved thus far, which reflect a commitment to justice that surpasses previous administrations. However, we recognize that your office is currently facing a backlog of nearly 200 cases, far exceeding its capacity for timely review.”

With each passing day, Antonio and José lose more opportunities to live their lives, have their case objectively reviewed, and see justice done, regardless of the investigators' final conclusions.

Nothing is more deserving in this system than the proper administration of justice. Yvonne’s request carries these elements and must be taken into account.


September 28, 2024
Letter to

Dear District Attorney Gascón, Attorney General Bonta, Hilda Solis, and Wendy Carrillo,

We, the undersigned, urge you to expand the Los Angeles District Attorney's Conviction Integrity Unit (CIU) to better address the urgent needs of wrongfully convicted individuals. We commend you for your efforts, including the about 14 exonerations achieved thus far, which reflect a commitment to justice that surpasses previous administrations. However, we recognize that your office is currently facing a backlog of nearly 200 cases that far exceeds its capacity for timely review.

Factual innocence claims are significantly underrepresented, leaving many who have been wrongfully imprisoned for decades without a realistic opportunity for justice. Cases like those of Antonio Chavez and Jose Beltran have been pending for nearly four years without significant progress, causing profound emotional and psychological strain on those affected.

With just 19 prosecutors and 5 to 7 investigators managing the CIU, it is crucial to consider additional resources to help tackle this backlog effectively. Delays in these reviews can be distressing for both the wrongfully convicted and the original crime victims, who bear the weight of knowing that justice is not being served.

We support Attorney General Bonta's initiative to strengthen CIUs across California, as his office has committed to providing resources and technical assistance to enhance the effectiveness of these units. By expanding the CIU in Los Angeles, we can ensure that current cases are reviewed promptly and that more cases are eligible for review, thereby providing long-overdue justice to those who have suffered immensely.

It is essential for the CIU to operate free from internal politics or biases that could dictate case prioritization. *Cases should be prioritized based on the merits of the evidence*, particularly those meeting the preponderance of evidence standard for findings of actual innocence. Additionally, we must ensure that policies do not favor cases based on the presence of attorneys or legal representation, which can disadvantage families lacking the necessary resources.

Finally, the CIU must maintain a fair review process that prioritizes justice. All applicants should receive equal consideration and be reviewed promptly, with triage based on the merits of their cases and established fair policies, rather than being influenced by external factors. These measures will help uphold the integrity of the review process and foster public confidence in the unit's commitment to justice.

We appreciate the dedication of your office and those within the CIU, and we urge you to allocate the necessary resources and adopt fair policy directives to enable a thorough and expedient review of wrongful conviction cases.


The Wrongfully Convicted - Factual Innocence


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Started this petition 6 months ago



It is time these boys get to go homebto be with their families after having so many years stolen from them!


I believe in criminal justice reform. Many innocent lives have been wronged by a broken system.

Theresa Saso
Theresa Saso

Please ens the nightmare for Antonio and Jose and their family. Their community and family miss and support them!


I am signing because I feel the justice system should be fair for all.


Everyone deserves a fair and speedy review after spending decades wrongfully imprisoned. Justice is long overdue


Everyone deserves justice and innocent people don’t belong in prison

Coleman S
Coleman S

My husband is also living through the mental torture of a wrongful conviction, so, based on extensive research, I am fully aware of how a corrupt system can force an unfactual conviction. There is and has always been black-and-white evidence that Jose and Antonio are innocent. We don’t allow murd3r in our society. It’s a crime to take someone’s life, and it should be considered the same when a DA’s office has stolen years of someone’s life by means of a wrongful conviction. The DA’s office bears the burden of righting this wrong and must be held accountable for its crime.


Fighting for wrongful convictions

Theresa Saso
Theresa Saso

Please bring Antonio and Jose homem our community deeply misses them.


I believe in Antonio’s innocence and the system failing to recognize an innocent men

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