The grounds for the recall are as follows: Since being elected, Los Angeles County District Attorney George Gascon has deserted crime victims and their families. Gascon has disregarded the rule of law and weakened lawful sentencing requirements for the most violent criminals, including murderers, armed robbers, and rapists.
George Gascon’s new policies treat career and repeat violent offenders as if they had never committed a crime, ignoring public safety laws approved by the people. Gascon has reduced sentences on crimes against children, and gun crimes. On behalf of crime victims and their families and in the interest of public safety, this notice of intention to recall George Gascon as Los Angeles District Attorney is submitted. The printed names of the proponents are as follows: Michelle D. Brace, Sarah A. Taillac, Jennifer Brace, Tania Owen, Christine Cortez, Kimberly Cortez, Thomas L. Vardon, Linda J. Bruffard, Kamia Jones, Michael Shane.
The answer of the officer sought to be recalled is as follows: California DOES NOT NEED another political recall attempt supported by Donald Trump backers and frequent Fox News guests. More than $270 million in taxpayer money was wasted on the gubernatorial recall attempt in September 2021, which failed by millions of votes. The first recall attempt of District Attorney George Gascon fell short by hundreds of thousands of signatures just months ago, but unlimited attempts are permitted under California's troubled recall system. In November 2020, Gascon won the election by a quarter-million-vote margin, defeating many of the special interests behind this latest attempt.
But those same interests vowed to overturn the will of the voters moments after the election. This is not about keeping Angelenos safe, it's about a political power grab by well-funded conservative operatives who have fought reforms—on juvenile detention, mental health treatment, police accountability in fatal shootings, and the death penalty—for decades. Do not fall for this latest rightwing attempt. Do not sign this petition. Los Angeles needs to move forward as a safer and less divided community where we focus on preventing crime to keep people safe—not react with political fear-mongering or cable news ratings grabs. District Attorney George Gascon