Petition to George Gascon

Let’s support bringing justice to Antonio and José

Chavez Chavez · US

Yvonne Chavez isn't asking for any gifts, much less mercy. This Highland Park resident seeks for her brother, Antonio Chavez, and his friend, José Beltrán, to receive what any human being wants when accused of a crime: for the evidence to be reviewed and justice to be served.

It has been 27 years since both men were accused of the murder of another young Latino. Yvonne maintains that from the outset, the charges were fabricated, and numerous pieces of evidence indicating others' guilt were overlooked: witnesses, coerced statements, and fabrication of evidence.

"The police and detectives tried to reduce it to a gang problem when my brother didn't belong to any," says Yvonne.

At the time, she was only 14 years old and unaware of what was happening around her. Her family's silence didn't help her understand what was going on. It took several years before she began to uncover what was happening and many of the new pieces of evidence she now holds: people in the neighborhood who refused to speak out of fear of reprisal, coerced statements, and a silence surrounding the case that condemned her brother and his friend to a life behind bars.

Since then, her purpose in life has been to fight until the new evidence is reviewed, the inconsistencies in the evidence under which they were convicted are exposed, and they receive the justice they deserve. Their case is in a long line of cases subject to review in the City Prosecutor's Office; reaching an evaluation could take years. But considering the backgrounds outlined in the petition, Antonio and José's case deserves urgent attention from the authorities.

Some politicians have listened to Yvonne, as have some organizations and community members, but it's not enough.

Let's show our support by signing this petition urging George Gascon's office to expedite this case that has been accepted and under review since March 2021. There are numerous cases being reviewed, but the lack of legal representation and resources for Antonio has caused delays. If not for Antonio and Jose, for the victim's mother's repeated pleas for them to be released.

Yvonne appreciates the Conviction Integrity Unit's attention to the case, but emphasizes that after 27 years, it is crucial for a review to take place.

Cases of wrongful convictions are not resolved thirty or forty years later with monetary compensation or the making of a Hollywood movie. This story is not a happy one; let's make it understood that Latinos deserve the same treatment and care in the judicial process as someone with money and influential lawyers. Yvonne's voice must be heard.

Letter to
District Attorney, George Gascon
Councilman District 14, Kevin De Leon
Councilwoman District 1, Eunisses Hernandez
CA State Senator, Maria Elena Durazo
Los Angeles County Supervisor, Hilda Solis

Justice for Antonio and Jose: Help us ensure that they receive a fair review of what they are accused of

“The events that unfolded linked two groups of young people on opposite sides of a block in Highland Park, Los Angeles on November 8, 1996. They were friendly acquaintances, some who would see each other in the neighborhood from time to time, never knowing how their lives would be forever bound by a broken system.

Antonio (22) and Jose (17) left their home that evening not knowing they were never returning home, and that the infamously corrupt Los Angeles Police CRASH Unit, with a long departmental history of racial profiling, would frame them for a murder they neither committed nor had knowledge of. Detectives excitably narrowed in on Antonio's brother, Daniel, during the interrogation, who was murdered years prior.

A fourteen-year-old boy went to visit his friends that evening not knowing it would be his last and that his senseless murder would be unavenged in favor of a quick and “easy” prosecution.

Despite physical evidence and eyewitnesses pointing in other directions, Antonio and Jose were convicted to 29 years to life in prison. Jose was alleged to be the shooter, and Antonio was the accomplice.

Antonio and Jose had eight alibis and nine exculpatory witnesses. Witnesses consisted of the surviving victims, the deceased victim's friend, the mother of a coerced witness, passersby, and neighbors from different vantage points who corroborate the true events of the crime and exculpate them. Police failed to document many as witnesses; the defense only called one witness and an alibi to testify. LAPD displayed racial profiling and tunnel vision, ignoring relevant leads.

The area was not canvassed for the suspects, and potential suspects and persons of interest were never interviewed. The suggestive lineup consisted of Antonio who was the tallest and only bald one among two, the rest were of average stature ranging from 5'8-5'10.

During the trial, exculpatory evidence was held.

911 dispatch audio and initial interviews of tampered witnesses that pointed to other perpetrators were not presented to the jury.

LAPD tampered with two girls who witnessed the aftermath, as the suspects began to flee. CRASH detectives coerced them to falsify events based on circumstantial evidence found unrelated to Antonio and Jose, or the crime.

The two young women were pressured by police to testify to events that could be easily verified to have occurred. Their testimonies contradicted each other (and witnesses' accounts), with one saying that her friend did not witness the events.

CRASH detectives falsified police reports and committed serious perjury during the preliminary hearing to bound the case to trial. During the trial, the detectives and prosecutors willingly presented falsified evidence and withheld exculpatory evidence.

Antonio and Jose both tested negative for gunshot residue and the fingerprints analysis on the spent casings were held by the prosecution despite testimony confirming they were examined. Ballistic evidence showed that two .380 handguns were used, three spent casings and fragments came from one, and the other fragment and casing came from a second handgun, contradicting police and prosecution argument, that the shorter suspect approached the victim and shot him with a .380, and that a taller suspect appeared minutes later and brandished a shotgun. The surviving victims and other witnesses told police that two suspects arrived together and that only one was armed with a handgun, the shorter suspect shot the victim and they both fled immediately.

The new evidence is 911 dispatch audio with two recorded calls that reveal materially exculpatory evidence. Additionally, it is believed that the female caller identified as Lydia, who said she was not a witness, is the coerced witness who is identified as Lylene in her police interviews. Lylene testified that she called 911 and alerted them to the second suspect approaching mid-call, minutes after the first suspect fled, this version of a 911 call does not exist. The female caller disproves her coerced testimony, corroborating exculpatory witness accounts. “



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Started this petition 3 months ago



I believe everyone should be given the opportunity to have all the evidence reviewed in a timely manner when there is question about wrongdoing and suppression of information and evidence.


I’m signing this petition because I believe that Antonio and José did not receive a fair trial. It is disheartening to see that the ethnicity of the victim can sometimes determine the level of concern in these cases. When there is more evidence pointing to innocence rather than guilt, it is crucial for a thorough investigation to take place. This case was closed in a matter of days. Antonio and José were unfairly taken from a private residence and subjected to a questionable lineup without proper evidence. It is troubling that crucial evidence was mishandled by the authorities, putting them at a disadvantage during their trial. They were not given the presumption of innocence that they deserved, and their right to a fair trial was denied. The timeline and physical evidence clearly demonstrates their complete innocence. Thank you for your support and advocacy for those who have been unjustly imprisoned. With deep admiration, gratitude, and hope for a future with zero wrongful convictions. Please Mr. Gascón, Free José & Antonio, and all the wrongfully convicted! In solidarity, B.D


Es tiempo de detener las injusticias


I believe it’s time that we acknowledge the victims of a broken system.

Patty Sanchez
Patty Sanchez

I’m signing because Wrongfully Convictions do exist and this case is one of them – Justice for Antonio and Jose! Enough with corrupt system ! Had this been there loved ones I’m sure they wouldn’t appreciate it either and would be fighting for there voices to be heard ! These two men and there family have endured enough! It’s time too welcome home both Antonio & Jose home with there loving families! Justice !


Wrongful convictions are a threat to our society. It’s beyond clear that this case was grossly mishandled and needs review.


I feel they where wrongful convinced


I support.


I know that police lie and fabricate stories to close a case . We know Jose & Antonio are innocent . Los Angeles county is known for wrongfully accusing and convicting black and brown communities .


My husband was also convicted for a crime he did not commit for 12 years now, since the age of 15. This story resonates to the core, because there were also u just and coerced details that are part of his conviction. This is in hope to bring those wrongfully convicted some Justice and freedom.

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