Petition to City of Los Angeles Planning and Development

The San Fernando Valley Community Says ‘No’ to a Home Depot Megastore

Environment in Granada Hills, California,
Home Depot

More traffic in an area bordered by five schools with over 3,000 students, where the sixth most dangerous pedestrian intersection in the San Fernando Valley is located, and more noise for the area's residents are some of the reasons cited by Dr. Stephen Hubbard, author of the report on the Stop Home Depot website, and one of the residents opposing the arrival of a Home Depot megastore in the suburb of Granada Hills in the San Fernando Valley.

According to plans submitted to the Los Angeles City Planning Office, the home improvement store chain intends to establish a 136,000 square foot branch at the corner of Balboa Boulevard and Devonshire Street, where there is currently a cinema and a supermarket. Home Depot purchased the property for $40 million and is awaiting municipal approval to begin construction of the store.However, residents like Dr. Hubbard do not view the arrival of this branch favorably.

"The traffic there is bad all the time. It's a busy intersection, and you have students crossing there," he said. "It will be a disaster. Sooner or later, a child will get hit."

He emphasizes that he does not oppose Home Depot's arrival to revitalize the shopping center, which has been declining in recent years, with many closed stores. But he would like to see a smaller store. He is concerned about the traffic of trucks coming and going in the area.

Dr. Hubbard also sees the arrival of the store as an example of what happens when commercial interests and the affluent are prioritized over the residents' interests.

There is already a Home Depot store two miles from the shopping center where the new one would be located. However, that other branch is located on Van Nuys Airport grounds, which is seeking expansion as Santa Monica Airport will close in 2028, and many aircraft will be relocated there.

"They needed more land for the airport expansion and to accommodate the wealthy people they will displace from Santa Monica Airport," he points out.

The plan, he says, is to move a hotel next to Van Nuys Airport to the land currently occupied by Home Depot and use the hotel for airport operations.

"It's an economic injustice. It's about wealthy people parking their planes in Van Nuys, and the people living around this (shopping center) and the students lose," says Dr. Hubbard.

The Granada Hills South Neighborhood Council also opposes the project and has requested an environmental impact report before the Los Angeles City Council votes on the store.

The hope of the residents is that the report will show that the project generates too many problems for the area, and the cost of remedying these problems would be so high for Home Depot that they will abandon their plans.

For now, they are asking people to support a petition against the project.

Community demands Closure: Fatal Crashes and Pollution Concerns Ignite Controversy over Whiteman Airport in Pacoima

September 14, 2023
Letter to
City of Los Angeles Planning and Development
councilmen John Lee

Help STOP HOME DEPOT from building at the North Hills Shopping Center

Home Depot has submitted plans to the City of Los Angeles to build a new store at the North Hills Shopping Center at the Southeast corner of Devonshire and Balboa.  Home Depot will tear down all stores and the movie theatre East of Ralph’s, displacing all of the 13 small businesses.  This proposed Home Depot location will border residents and will be less than 1/2 mile from Mayall Elementary School and 2 high schools.

If Home Depot is allowed to tear down this neighborhood shopping center it will negatively impact the local residents by increasing traffic, including large semi-trucks, to the already busy intersection of Balboa and Devonshire.  Currently, Balboa Blvd. is a through fare to the 118 freeway that is already gridlocked during morning and evening commutes.

Another way the Home Depot will negatively impact the community residents is with their very early and late store hours interrupting the families living in the apartments and homes it will border.

A huge big box construction store does not belong in a residential neighborhood. On April 12, 2022, a Home Depot store in San Jose caught fire resulting in a toxic environmental crisis, causing residents to evacuate.

Don’t let Home Depot destroy our local neighborhood shopping center that has been in the heart of our community since 1960!

Please join us by signing our petition and show your disproval of the proposed HD and we will submit it to the City of Los Angeles Planning and Development and Councilmember John Lee CD12.

Thank you for your support and concern with the community we live in.


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Francisco Castro
Francisco Castro
Started this petition 1 year ago

1 Comment


No to mega store, heavy traffic. Safety concerns.

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