Pressure on avocados: California upset over US decision to hand over pest inspections to Mexico

Written by Parriva — September 26, 2024
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pest inspection

California avocado growers are fuming this week about a U.S. decision to hand over pest inspections of Mexican avocados to the Mexican government.

Inspectors hired by the U.S. Department of Agriculture has been guarding against imports of avocados infected with insects and diseases since 1997, but they have also been threatened in Mexico for refusing to certify deceptive shipments in recent years.

Threats and violence against inspectors have caused the U.S. to suspend inspections in the past, and California growers question whether Mexico’s own inspectors would be better equipped to withstand such pressure.

“This action reverses the long-established inspection process designed to prevent invasions of known pests in Mexico that would devastate our industry,” the California Avocado Commission wrote in an open letter to U.S. Secretary of Agriculture Tom Vilsack on Monday.

At present, inspectors work for the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service, known as APHIS. Because the United States also grows avocados, U.S. inspectors observe orchards and packing houses in Mexico to ensure exported avocados don’t carry pests that could hurt U.S. crops.

“It is well known that their physical presence greatly reduces the opportunity of others to game the system,” the avocado commission wrote. ”What assurances can APHIS provide us that its unilateral reversal of the process will be equal to or better than what has protected us?”

The letter added, “We are looking for specifics as to why you have concluded that substituting APHIS inspectors with Mexican government inspectors is in our best interest.”

The decision was announced last week in a short statement by Mexico’s Agriculture Department, which claimed that “with this agreement, the U.S. health safety agency is recognizing the commitment of Mexican growers, who in more than 27 years have not had any sanitary problems in exports.”

Non-profit companies are the largest sellers of avocado in the US

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