Peter Diamandis Predicts ‘Millions, Then Billions’ of Humanoid Robots Are Coming
Robot people aren’t just for science fiction movies anymore.
XPrize Foundation founder Peter Diamandis predicts that millions or even billions of robots that look and move like people could integrate into consumers’ homes and workplaces, thanks to technological breakthroughs including artificial intelligence and a looming labor shortage. The market for these robots could hit $150 billion by 2035 and as much as $3 trillion by 2050, according to figures cited by Diamandis.
“It’s only now, driven by major advances in sensors and actuators, battery technologies and artificial intelligence, that a new generation of useful and affordable robotic labor is within reach,” Diamandis wrote in a recent blog post.
Recent advancements in generative AI, the technology that enables applications like ChatGPT, have taken the world by storm. Generative AI “magnifies a robot’s adaptability,” Damandis writes, by using “reinforcement learning” combined with decision-making algorithms. Plus, robots have the potential to instantly share learned skills with others in their network–something humans cannot do.
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