Same candidate with the same message: the resurrection of America

Written by Reynaldo — November 16, 2022
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Former US President Donald Trump announced on Wednesday that he will compete for the Republican Party’s candidacy ahead of the presidential election scheduled for November 5, 2024.
Trump made the announcement during a lengthy speech from his Mar-a-Lago residence in Florida, which he began with the phrase: “America’s comeback starts right now.”
“Today I am announcing my candidacy for the presidency of the United States,” he said in front of dozens of his supporters. “This is not a task for a candidate, it is a task for a great movement,” he added.
This is an unusual decision for a former US president who has already lost a presidential election.

Trump began the appearance by reviewing the achievements of his four years in office. He spoke of “historic tax cuts” (which were not so historic), of a “controlled” pandemic, of the “largest economy humanity has ever seen”, which was spoiled by those who came after, and of “the border of the South stronger than anyone remembers”, thanks to a wall that he said he had completed, although that was not true either. He also referred to the “unparalleled movement” he leads, concluding: “We will make America rich again. We will make America strong and proud again. We will make America safe again. We will bring America back to glory. And we will restore its greatness.”

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