Teaching your teens planning and prioritizing skills, pays off big time in their school and life success, satisfaction…and even leisure opportunities. The development of prioritizing skills during the school years is critical for time management in higher levels of education or employment, when monitoring decreases and routines vary constantly.
What one gets from prioritizing skills
Prioritizing involves managing time effectively to make sure that the appropriate tasks are completed. When kids are successful at prioritizing, they can evaluate goals and allot more or less time to tasks based on difficulty, time demands, and importance of the outcome.
Heighten their motivation and prioritizing skill development efforts by encouraging them to think about things they don’t have enough time for now. What could they enjoy if they efficiently plan and prioritize where to dedicate their time and effort? When teens become skilled at prioritizing, they gain more control of their free time without guilt or pressure about tasks you know they “should” be doing.
Examples of benefits of prioritizing to discuss with kids to boost motivation include these:
-Completing daily homework in less time and increasing its quality
-Turning in papers and projects when due, instead of last-minute scrambling
-Saving time by having all work for reports, projects, and jobs together and in an accessible way
-Not missing appointments, meetings, deadlines, releases of ticket sales, or dates with friends
Setting the stage for their success
Prioritizing demands increase as school years progress and long-term projects and reports become more prevalent. It is also during these years when teens take on more social, athletic, club, and community activities.
Many teens think they are not good at prioritizing and never will be because they have not been successful so far. Build their motivation to put in the effort and try new strategies by helping them recognize successful prioritizing tasks they have already done:
-Selecting choices of which television programs to prerecord
-Choosing items to pack for their school backpack or small bag for a trip
-Picking the most important information to study for a test when they did well