Tag: Arizona
Arizona agrees to remove border wall of shipping containers Arizona agrees to remove border wall of shipping containers
Immigration December 23, 2022

Arizona agrees to remove border wall of shipping containers

Arizona Gov. Doug Ducey (R) will take down a barrier of double-stacked ... more

The U.S. is suing Arizona over shipping containers on the border The U.S. is suing Arizona over shipping containers on the border
Immigration December 16, 2022

The U.S. is suing Arizona over shipping containers on the border

The U.S. government sued Arizona Gov. Doug Ducey and the state Wednesday ... more

A border full of containers in Arizona A border full of containers in Arizona
Immigration December 12, 2022

A border full of containers in Arizona

Work crews have steadily erected hundreds of double-stacked shipping containers topped by ... more

Voto Latino highlights the importance of Hispanics in elections Voto Latino highlights the importance of Hispanics in elections
Uncategorized November 17, 2022

Voto Latino highlights the importance of Hispanics in elections

One of the most important organizations of the Latino electorate emphasized that ... more

Arizona’s Innovative Solution: Shipping Containers Secure Gaps in US-Mexico Border Arizona’s Innovative Solution: Shipping Containers Secure Gaps in US-Mexico Border
Immigration October 25, 2022

Arizona’s Innovative Solution: Shipping Containers Secure Gaps in US-Mexico Border

The state of Arizona has begun placing shipping containers along another stretch ... more