Tag: education
Almost half of Latino students will benefit from Biden’s measure on student loans Almost half of Latino students will benefit from Biden’s measure on student loans
Latinos August 31, 2022

Almost half of Latino students will benefit from Biden’s measure on student loans

About half of all Latino student loan borrowers are expected to have ... more

School lawsuits over social media harm face tough legal road School lawsuits over social media harm face tough legal road
Education January 12, 2023

School lawsuits over social media harm face tough legal road

Like the tobacco, oil, gun, opioid and vaping industries before them, the ... more

Musicians, artists support the art education promoted by Prop. 28 Musicians, artists support the art education promoted by Prop. 28
Politics September 26, 2022

Musicians, artists support the art education promoted by Prop. 28

“Without music, life would be a mistake,” said German philosopher Friedrich Nietzcsche. Musician ... more