Tag: mental health
Not Just BBQs and Parades: Veterans Face Mental Health Not Just BBQs and Parades: Veterans Face Mental Health
Politics May 26, 2023

Not Just BBQs and Parades: Veterans Face Mental Health

As Memorial Day approaches, we prepare to acknowledge and honor those who ... more

What You Can Learn About Yourself From Your Past Lovers What You Can Learn About Yourself From Your Past Lovers
Mental health August 26, 2023

What You Can Learn About Yourself From Your Past Lovers

Have you had a passionate love affair that ultimately ended, but the ... more

Best Practices to Prioritize your Mental Health in 2023 Best Practices to Prioritize your Mental Health in 2023
Mental health December 27, 2022

Best Practices to Prioritize your Mental Health in 2023

The new year is a perfect time for reflecting, setting goals and ... more

10 Ways to Let Go of Perfectionism During the Holidays 10 Ways to Let Go of Perfectionism During the Holidays
Mental health December 24, 2023

10 Ways to Let Go of Perfectionism During the Holidays

People often associate the holidays with joy, laughter, and cherished memories. However, ... more

Kids Under 13 Would be Barred from Social Media Kids Under 13 Would be Barred from Social Media
Mental health April 29, 2023

Kids Under 13 Would be Barred from Social Media

A bipartisan group of senators announced a new piece of legislation this ... more

Loneliness is a biological phenomenon with consequences; affects undocumented immigrants Loneliness is a biological phenomenon with consequences; affects undocumented immigrants
Mental health July 17, 2023

Loneliness is a biological phenomenon with consequences; affects undocumented immigrants

How loneliness affects undocumented Latinos Since older undocumented immigrants tend to live with ... more

Alejandro Sanz: “I’m not Well… Sometimes I Don’t Even Want to be Here” Alejandro Sanz: “I’m not Well… Sometimes I Don’t Even Want to be Here”
Mental health May 27, 2023

Alejandro Sanz: “I’m not Well… Sometimes I Don’t Even Want to be Here”

"I'm not well". The Spanish singer-songwriter Alejandro Sanz wrote a message on ... more

Taking the Sting Out of Social Rejection Taking the Sting Out of Social Rejection
Mental health August 28, 2023

Taking the Sting Out of Social Rejection

Humans. We’re a social beast. We’ve gotten this far because we’ve banded ... more

Schools sue tech giants over youth mental health crisis Schools sue tech giants over youth mental health crisis
Education January 9, 2023

Schools sue tech giants over youth mental health crisis

Seattle Public Schools is suing social media companies including TikTok and Meta, ... more

4 Tips: Make your Workday Better, Change Your Routine 4 Tips: Make your Workday Better, Change Your Routine
Mental health June 18, 2023

4 Tips: Make your Workday Better, Change Your Routine

Is your workday leaving you drained and uninspired? Do you find yourself ... more

Enough is enough, try a social media detox Enough is enough, try a social media detox
Mental health January 10, 2024

Enough is enough, try a social media detox

Mounting evidence shows how cutting back on social media could be healthy ... more

Aging and stress: Interconnected concepts Aging and stress: Interconnected concepts
Mental health April 22, 2023

Aging and stress: Interconnected concepts

Aging and stress are two interconnected concepts that can have significant effects ... more

Too Hot to Handle? Heat and Mental Health Too Hot to Handle? Heat and Mental Health
Climate Change July 21, 2023

Too Hot to Handle? Heat and Mental Health

Humans can survive only in a relatively narrow range of temperatures. We ... more

Why American prioritize family time according to Pew Research Why American prioritize family time according to Pew Research
Health May 30, 2023

Why American prioritize family time according to Pew Research

Americans overwhelmingly view spending time with family as one of the most ... more

Americans invested in their mental health during the pandemic Americans invested in their mental health during the pandemic
Mental health August 29, 2023

Americans invested in their mental health during the pandemic

American spending on mental health with private insurance surged during the pandemic, ... more

Under COVID-era household conflicts had a direct link to poor mental health Under COVID-era household conflicts had a direct link to poor mental health
Health February 7, 2023

Under COVID-era household conflicts had a direct link to poor mental health

A study by the UCLA Center for Health Policy Research found that ... more

It’s not Religion or Acrobatics… it’s Yoga a 5,000 Year Old Wonderful Dicipline From India It’s not Religion or Acrobatics… it’s Yoga a 5,000 Year Old Wonderful Dicipline From India
Mental health June 21, 2023

It’s not Religion or Acrobatics… it’s Yoga a 5,000 Year Old Wonderful Dicipline From India

Today the International Day of Yoga is celebrated throughout the world. The ... more

Silicon Valley, the center of world-class startup and the first to declare loneliness a public health emergency Silicon Valley, the center of world-class startup and the first to declare loneliness a public health emergency
Mental health February 4, 2024

Silicon Valley, the center of world-class startup and the first to declare loneliness a public health emergency

Loneliness is officially a health emergency in California's San Mateo County, which ... more

It’s not just your ‘abuelita’, also parents worries about bullying It’s not just your ‘abuelita’, also parents worries about bullying
Health April 18, 2023

It’s not just your ‘abuelita’, also parents worries about bullying

It's not just your abuelita; many Hispanic parents worry a lot more ... more