Tag: workplace
Effective Management of Multicultural: 5 Tips to Navigate Latino Differences in the Workplace Effective Management of Multicultural: 5 Tips to Navigate Latino Differences in the Workplace
Latinos July 6, 2023

Effective Management of Multicultural: 5 Tips to Navigate Latino Differences in the Workplace

Managing a multicultural team is much more difficult than just breaking down ... more

Affirmative Action Decision: Huge Diversity Efforts Implications and for Businesses Affirmative Action Decision: Huge Diversity Efforts Implications and for Businesses
Labor July 5, 2023

Affirmative Action Decision: Huge Diversity Efforts Implications and for Businesses

Companies could see serious downstream effects for businesses stemming from the Supreme ... more

Study reveals a disproportionate number of women discriminated at their workplace Study reveals a disproportionate number of women discriminated at their workplace
economy February 8, 2023

Study reveals a disproportionate number of women discriminated at their workplace

About 51% of women in marginalized racial and ethnic groups in the ... more