Tag: yoga
It’s not Religion or Acrobatics… it’s Yoga a 5,000 Year Old Wonderful Dicipline From India It’s not Religion or Acrobatics… it’s Yoga a 5,000 Year Old Wonderful Dicipline From India
Mental health June 21, 2023

It’s not Religion or Acrobatics… it’s Yoga a 5,000 Year Old Wonderful Dicipline From India

Today the International Day of Yoga is celebrated throughout the world. The ... more

What Is Mindfulness? Why is Everyone Talking about it? What Is Mindfulness? Why is Everyone Talking about it?
wellness May 27, 2023

What Is Mindfulness? Why is Everyone Talking about it?

Mindfulness is a mental state and practice that involves bringing one's attention ... more

Vippasana Retreat: Ten days of madness Vippasana Retreat: Ten days of madness
Uncategorized February 22, 2023

Vippasana Retreat: Ten days of madness

"You're going to suffer. You won't be able to sleep. The worst ... more

“I vowed to love myself, love what I do, and love those around me.” “I vowed to love myself, love what I do, and love those around me.”
Uncategorized January 18, 2023

“I vowed to love myself, love what I do, and love those around me.”

  If you wish to ask Brandy Rametta will collaborate every week with tips, ... more

Yoga for Anxiety: 7 Poses to Try this Year Yoga for Anxiety: 7 Poses to Try this Year
Uncategorized January 13, 2023

Yoga for Anxiety: 7 Poses to Try this Year

Practicing yoga should not be fancy. This discipline helps to deal with ... more

Why Yoga Should Be On Your Resolution List Why Yoga Should Be On Your Resolution List
Uncategorized January 12, 2023

Why Yoga Should Be On Your Resolution List

We bring you six good reasons why yoga should be one of ... more