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The trends of 2024 to get in shape

Every year, fitness experts respond to various surveys to predict the trends and patterns that will be guiding gyms and personal trainers around the world. Those recommended by the American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) are some of the most eagerly awaited, but by no means the only ones. Here is a summary of the new trends we can expect to see this year in gyms around the world.

The word “rucking” will soon be on everyone’s lips. This is a very common practice and consists of walking at a brisk pace while carrying a weight on your back, such as a backpack with two dictionaries in it. Those who want to take it to the next level can invest in a professional rucking backpack. It is difficult to find a more effective workout to increase muscular strength and cardiovascular endurance without overloading the joints. This is a social and non-competitive workout, which does not rule anyone out because the weights can be adapted to all ages and body types.

Everything is better in the open air

Everything is better, even in fitness training territory, if you are in the open air. The ACSM, an oracle of fitness trends, has just published its verdict for 2024, and insists on the benefits for the brain, mental health and cognitive performance of exercising outdoors and, if possible, out in nature. This trend applies both to regular training sessions guided by a personal trainer and to cycling, walking and running.

Outdoor workouts increase physical activity using perceived lower levels of exertion, they reduce stress and mental fatigue, sharpen attention and concentration, and enhance self-esteem and mood. This study published in 2023 in the Nature journal found neurological benefits from what they called green exercise (exercise practiced in contact with nature). These include a significant improvement in working memory and concentration if compared to the same amount of exercise performed indoors.

Ice baths

2023 was the year of the debate on whether we should stretch immediately after training or not, although no conclusive agreement was ever reached on this issue. In 2024, we expect to see the consolidation of a challenging and somewhat extravagant trend: plunging ourselves into ice-cold water for therapeutic purposes with the specific purpose of recovering muscles fatigued from physical training. Immersion in freezing cold water, widely celebrated on Instagram and TikTok, ties in with the stoic philosophy, which enjoys considerable popularity in this day and age.

The ultimate sacrifice is a combination of lowering water degrees and increasing the dive time. In professional athletes, some research has demonstrated the efficacy of such therapy in reducing muscle inflammation while gaining muscle strength.

Hand-strengthening exercises

This trend aims to improve grip and cushion falls with exercises to strengthen the muscles and flexibility of the fingers and wrists. Several studies have shown that having strong hands is highly correlated with longevity, mainly because people with strong hands tend to be more physically active. When hands begin to weaken, certain routine tasks such as opening a jar become more challenging, but more importantly we lose the ability to support our body and cushion falls.

No Time in the Week to Exercise? How About the Weekend?

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