This 2022 midterm election saw many Latino voters shift their support from the Democratic party to the Republican Party.
As the largest minority group in the country, Latino voters have a huge say in how elections shake out. Their turnout was key in clinching contentious races in Florida, Illinois, California, and Nevada – and helping Latino candidates make history.
Support for Democrats among Latino men is under 55 percent, that’s down from 63 percent in 2018, according to a CNN exit poll. Among Latina women, support for the Democratic Party is strong, but waning.
This year, one fifth of Latino voters remained undecided in the days leading up to the election.
The big picture: This year, 50 Latino Democrats and 33 Hispanic Republicans ran for U.S. House seats, according to both parties.
-There were a record number of Republican campaigns by Latinas.
-Latino voters continue to hold a significant amount of political weight, especially in battleground states, but about a quarter of Latinos recently surveyed said neither Democrats nor Republicans are swaying them.