‘Tía Tatis’ will assume the leadership of the Institute for Mexicans Abroad

Written by Reynaldo Mena — August 21, 2024
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tia tatis

“I am going to give you a scoop, she is not here, let’s see if she doesn’t get upset with me, the person who will be from the Institute of Mexicans Abroad is Tatiana Clouthier,” declared Sheinbaum. “She is going to help us a lot,”

For the first time in several years, an experienced and prestigious politician will assume the direction of the Institute for Mexicans Abroad (IME), this is a strong signal from the president-elect of Mexico, Claudia Sheinbaum, that she will be adding the diaspora to her government project.

Tatiana Clouthier, former Minister of Economy in the first years of the government of the current president, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, will take over the IME at a time when migratory tensions and attacks against Mexican migrants in the United States are taking hold.

Sheinbaum announced yesterday Tuesday the appointment of Clouthier, affectionately known by the Mexican people as ‘tía Tatis’.

The IME is a decentralized body of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (SRE), in charge of initiatives in favor of Mexicans living outside the country. Sheinbaum announced this appointment in a press conference and did not count with the presence of the former Secretary of Economy during this Administration. “I am going to give you a scoop, she is not here, let’s see if she doesn’t get upset with me, the person who will lead the Institute of Mexicans Abroad is Tatiana Clouthier,” declared Sheinbaum.

“She is going to help us a lot,” emphasized Sheinbaum.

“The appointment seems appropriate to me because she is an enterprising person who knows the reality of Mexicans abroad and can create links with social organizations of migrants with Mexico, as well as promote initiatives with productive impact such as investments by successful compatriots in companies and the transfer of scientific knowledge, technology and innovation from the diaspora of scientists dispersed throughout the world,” says Immigration specialist José Luis Avila, professor at UNAM.

“It is a good sign. Let us hope that it does not end there. In the past, resources have been taken away… Now with the appointment of Clouthier it is understood that this is being taken seriously,” said Gonzalo Santos, Ph.D. and Associate Professor from Cal State University Bakersfield.

Another academic who received the appointment positively was Gonzalo Santos, Ph.D. and Associate Professor from Cal State University Bakersfield.

“It is a good sign. Let us hope that it does not end there. In the past, resources have been taken away, and that position has been used as a cover, they warm the seat while they receive a new position. Now, with the appointment of Clouthier, a political figure of weight, it is understood that this is being taken seriously, that a migration agenda will be established in which the diaspora will be present,” says Santos.

For this academic, it is necessary to establish a council of advisors familiar with the migrant communities that, in his opinion, already have a well-organized base in the United States.

“It is necessary that the government treat it with respect and provide it with the resources it needs. The IME had its funds reduced to a minimum, especially during the López Obrador government,” added Santos.

For Avila, there has been significant progress in the IME.

“They can be strengthened for the benefit of national development, the scientific community has shown interest, so far contrasting with the lack of commitment of the nationals, both from the government and higher education institutions and research institutes. Clouthier has a business and political profile, which makes her an ideal person for the purposes of the IME,” says Avila.

There are still no statements from Clouthier about her vision and the goals that will guide her government.

Clouthier, 60, is originally from Culiacán, Sinaloa, and comes from a family with political lineage: her father was Manuel Clouthier, an influential businessman and former presidential candidate for the PAN in 1988.


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