With temperatures dropping as we head into winter, it’s time to start thinking about that energy bill. By making some small adjustments you can start to save big.
Two easy steps you can take to save money once the weather gets colder is to drop your thermostat 5 to 8 degrees whenever you leave the house and make sure you change your filters whenever the manufacturer recommends.
And it’s not just the thermostat costing you money — your washer and dryer can also hike up the bill.
“A super quick tip for energy savings is doing your load with cold water and then when it comes to the dryer doing full loads, not over drying and replacing the filter after every load,” said Denise Campos with SoCalGas.
Also think about replacing your shower head and faucets with low flow alternatives. If you’re looking for even more ideas, SoCalGas also offers a “Ways to Save” tool on their website
“Anyone can create a profile through their account called ‘Ways to Save’ and it will give you a customized savings report just for you and your home,” Campos said.
Once you get that bill, there’s also various payment plans and financial assistance available.
“Customers can pay the average through the year, so that way the bill isn’t so large in the winter, but spread out through the year,” Campos said.
To learn more about SoCalGas various resources visit www.socalgas.com/winter.