Vida Mobile Appeals for Donations in the Face of the Danger of Running Out of Funds in January

Written by Reynaldo Mena — December 31, 2024
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vida mobile

In a previous interview, Ana Ruiz confided to Parriva the reason for the cause: she believes that helping the most needy people is a fundamental human obligation. She learned this from her father, Gabriel.

“He always used to say that we should help people. If we saw a homeless person, he would give them money. He’d say, ‘You don’t know what they’ve been through or what they’ve suffered,’” says Ana, Chief Executive Officer of Vida Mobile Clinic.

Ana Ruiz-pena: “There are many stories that have touched us, made us cry.”

Since then, she has maintained that spirit and tradition. Now, alongside Karla Rugamas, the COO of Vida Mobile Clinic, she continues that tradition.

Vida Mobile Clinic is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization dedicated to providing healthcare access to underserved individuals and mentoring future healthcare providers. Vida Mobile Clinic serves patients in the San Fernando Valley.

At this time, Vida Mobile needs your support.

In a message, Ruiz shares: “As of today, Vida has only raised $6,928 of our $15,000 goal.
Please, we still need your help. Without donations, Vida will run out of funding in January 2025. Vida is mostly volunteer-run, with over 50 volunteers and 12 part-time staff who make Vida happen. If our programs come to an end, Vida will no longer be able to reach the most vulnerable. Vida helps keep patients out of emergency rooms and helps prepare the next generation of healthcare leaders. Vida has submitted several grants throughout the year but has been unable to secure enough funding to continue.”

If you are in a position to donate, please visit the following link and contribute what you can:

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