Okay. We have to start from a fact: All living beings need to breathe. It is something so common that many of us take it for something given. It is so automatic that we are not aware of the importance of this process that is vital in our existence.
However, the breath guides us through many paths that describe our states of mind.
If we breathe rapidly, we say that we are agitated, anxious, and nervous. If we breathe slowly, we think we are calm and healthy.
One of the most harmful habits for human beings is smoking. We commonly hear this phrase: I feel very nervous, I’m going to smoke a cigarette. And there we see outside the buildings, in some public places, people inhaling and exhaling desperately. We do not realize that, with the justification of smoking, smokers perform a basic exercise that is recommended for breathing. Exhale and inhale consciously.
They say that the breath is what is known as Prana. The vital energy of our organism. It provides us with energy, strength, and power. That is why some breathing exercises at the beginning of the day will give us the necessary tools to start our day:
Some advice:
1. Give yourself a few minutes in the morning to sit down and do one of these exercises.
2. No matter the place or space. You do not need to have a decoration with candles or statues to be able to do it. Nor semi-dark light or being surrounded by trees. The only thing you need is yourself.
3. You can be sitting in a chair or in the lotus pose. It is not an essential condition to do it in a specific position.
4. During the day, whether at work, walking, cooking, or just thinking, give yourself a few minutes to regulate your breathing consciously.
You will quickly see the results.